Chapter 13- Harley

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Peter's never shouted at me.


I sit on the couch, shaking so hard my teeth are clattering together.

I can hear my heart beating, pounding out of my chest. I pull my knees up to my chest and curl my self into the corner, trying to disappear.

Maybe talking to Wade was a mistake.

I shouldn't have meddled.

I shakily reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone, wanting to call someone, talk to someone.

Ned won't understand... he's never had siblings. MJ would understand, but she hates situations like this.

"Harley! Peter just ran out, are you two-" Tony walks down the stairs, before rushing into the room and sitting next to me on the sofa.

"Harley, what's wrong?" Tony asks, lowering his voice.

"Pet-Peter yelled at me... he shouted and I- it's my fault and he-"

"Harley, hey, look at me." I raise my eyes to meet my dad's. "Take a deep breath. You're okay. It's okay."

I inhale slowly, and exhale.

"I made a mistake. I went... I went behind Pete's ba-back, and I tried to push him together with Wade Wilson."

"Wade Wilson! You mean the kid who bullied you." I whimper softly, and Tony relaxes. "Sorry, Harley. But why would you do that?"

"I wanted to see something.... I thought it would help, but it didn't and I- and I- I messed everything up."

"Is that why Petey was mad at you." I shake my head softly, tears coursing down my cheeks.

"He wasn't- he wasn't mad- well he was, but not- but he. He shouted and I- I got nervous. He tried to help me, but I got scared. He ran upstairs after that."

"Harls, that's not your fault. Peter will come around, and he'll realize that you can handle yourself, and you don't always need somebody looking after you."

"Thanks, Dad."

Tony reaches over and ruffles my hair. "'Course Harley."

I smile.

"Well, now that I'm down here, do you want to try to beat your old man at MarioKart?"

"That's easy. You suck." I retort. Tony gasps, and I laugh a little, glad for the distraction.


I laugh harder.

Steve walks down the stairs, very exasperated.

"Gimme a controller." He holds out his hand and I pass him one.

Steve sits on the other couch, and I load up MarioKart.


I uploaded!

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also i just rewatched infinity war for the third time and i remembered why i don't normally rewatching it

*i cried*

so this story will be ending soon, probably two to three more chapters left!!

i have a couple other books if you want to check those out. i have the stony fanfic (which you might have already read) i have a marvel oneshot book, and a multifandom oneshot book

Thanks for reading!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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