Chapter 18- Peter

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"Hey! Harley! Wade and I are playing MarioKart, do you wanna play?" 

Dad and Pops are at work, they dropped Morgan off at a friend's house for the day, to let Harley, Wade and I have some time alone. 

There's a lot we need to talk about. 

"Harley!" I call again, poking my head into his room. I stand on my bed, and grab the blanket. 

"Harley?" He's not here. 

"Wade, have you seen Harley?" I walk back into the main room, where Wade's holding a note, and looking at me. 

"What's that?" I grab the note and unfold it. 

Dad, Pops, Peter, 

I'm sorry for leaving early. I couldn't do it. 

I tried, but he hurt me. 

I know I pretend I'm not scared, but Wade terrifies me. 

I won't be home until late, so don't be worried. 

Sorry, Pete. I know you like him, and I tried, I really did, but I couldn't do it. 

I love you


I cover my hand over my mouth. 

"I can't believe... I should have been there..."

"Peter, I-"

"No! I can't believe that because you showed up half dead on my doorstep, I forgot that my brother was hurt because of you!"


"Look Wade, I like you. I'm done denying it. I like you a lot, but I can't do this right now. Find me at my graduation. If I find you, it means Harley is good, he's fine with it, and he's good. If not, then it will never happen. Ever." I sigh and rub my forehead, before pointing at the door. "Please, just get out. I don't care where you go. I don't want to see you right now." I keep my eyes glued to the floor, knowing that I'll break down if I even look at a human being. 

I hear footsteps and the door opening and closing, and only then do I fall to the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks. 


By the time Dad and Morgan came home (Pops works late on weekends, since he goes in late) I had moved to the bottom bunk, and was scrolling on Instagram. 

Harley, MJ, and Ned has all posted. They did a photo shoot, and played laser tag. 

I'm happy for Harley, he deserves this, after everything, I just feel bad that I wasn't there. That I was the one that caused him to leave early in the morning, and it's 6:30, and he's still not back yet. 

"Pete?" Tony calls, knocking on my door. "Harley texted me to say he's staying over at MJ's. He won't be home until late tomorrow. Thought you should know." 

"Why didn't he text me?" I ask quietly. 

Tony opens the door and walks in, kneeling at the edge of my bed. 

"Why would he text you and not me? I'm his twin, shouldn't I know what's going on? Shouldn't he tell me when he's staying over with my friends, without me?" I flip over on to my stomach, and press my face into the pillow. 

"Pete, Harley has a right to avoid you, especially if he thought that you were hanging out with the person who bullied him for weeks. It was right of him to get out of here, and I understand where he was coming from." 

"That makes me sound like I'm the bad guy!" I moan. 

"You aren't the bad guy, Peter, Harley just needs time by himself. Your Pops and I think it's reasonable, so we're okay with it. Peter, you need to accept that Harley's been through shit you wouldn't understand. You two have gone on separate paths." At my expression, Tony quickly finishes his sentence. "It doesn't mean you two will loose touch, or even stop being best friends, it just means you have different life experiences. It's good for both of you to experience life on your own terms. I know for a fact that you and Harley are extraordinary close, but that doesn't mean you are inseparable. You are your own person." 

"Yeah, I know. It's weird. Harley and I have done everything together. We've done so many things with Ned and MJ. It's weird being on the outside of one of their photo shoots." 

"This isn't permanent. Harley needs time, and you need time too. Think everything over. " At this weird and vague advice, Tony stands up and walks out of the room, closing the door. 

Through the door, I hear the muffled sounds of Tony and Morgan going downstairs to play video games. 

I pull out my phone again, and resume scrolling. I end up on Wade's Instagram page, which has four followers, and one photo, of him and I'm assuming one of his friends. 

The two are mushed up against each other, and as I look at Wade, I notice something different about the Wade that I know. 

The Wade in this photo is full of hope and joy, and life. He's happy to be living, not burdened by its fate. 

That's the Wade I hoped to get to know. 

That's the wade I thought I knew. 

oooooOooooh dramatic ending!

wow, guys seriously, I wanted this chapter to be like 400 words, but it's over 850. 

i hope you're liking it!! probably two- three more chapters till the end!!

please vote and share!!!! 

thank you all for reading!!!!

XOXO Valkyrie

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