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5 years later...

Birds come swooping down for a chance to snatch some vegetables from a garden.

This is not just any garden, though. It is the garden of a new earth. The garden of second chances. The garden of Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake.

The ground near the sea was not fit for planting a garden, so Bellamy and Clarke took their supplies and moved elsewhere. They relocated to the area near the bunker where so many trees thrived.

The pair decided to build yet another house in that area to be closer to their garden, and to prevent flooding. It would be terrible if one of their children was unexpectedly swept up by a wave of water.

Clarke is currently swatting away some of the many birds trying to steal the tomato she is holding.

"Birds like these almost make me miss the ark," Clarke says with a sigh.

"Mommy, mommy!" A little girl with brown curls runs towards her as she speaks. "Can I keep one?"

Clarke stares at her in confusion as she asks, "Octavia, do you really want to keep a bird as a pet?"

"Yes, yes I do!" Octavia cries.

Clarke is about to deny her request when Bellamy and Octavia's twin appear in front of them.

"Bell, Octavia wants to keep a bird as a pet. What do you think?" She inquired.

"I want a bird, too!" Little Abby exclaims, her blonde hair swinging all around.

Bellamy thinks about what to say before settling on, "Let's just stick with Picasso for now."

"Pleaseeeee," the little girls cry in unison.

"Well, I-," Bellamy is abruptly cut off by a large boom.

All of the birds squaw loudly as they fly away in a frenzy.

Clarke drops the tomato she is holding before she stands up and surveys the area. Looking towards the sea, she narrows her eyes to try to focus on what she is seeing.

There seems to be a bright light coming from the seashore.

"You girls go back to the house and stay inside," Clarke instructs. "Do not, for any reason at all, come out. Do you understand me?" Clarke questions.

The girls mumble, "Yes, mom," and make their way back.

Clarke looks at Bellamy who motions for Picasso to follow the twins. Picasso gallops after them to ensure they make it home safely.

Bellamy turns his gaze to Clarke and mutters, "I really thought we were done with all of this crazy stuff."

"Me too," Clarke replies. "Well, we better go check it out.

Clarke and Bellamy hold hands as they journey to the beach. Even after five years alone, with the exception of Octavia, Abby, and Picasso, their love is as strong as ever.

The pair finally arrive at their destination. Nothing appears to be out of the ordinary.

"I swear I saw a bright light right here!" Clarke exclaims, looking at Bellamy. "Maybe I'm just-."
Bellamy cuts her off.

"Octavia?" Bellamy asks, disbelief showing on his face.

"No, Bell. She's back at the house with Abby and Picasso." Clarke responds

Bellamy points to a figure in the distance. "I'm not talking about our Octavia, Clarke," Bellamy states.

Clarke spots the woman running towards them. It can't be her, can it? Clarke wonders if her eyes betray her, because the girl looks exactly like Octavia.

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