chapter 3: love at last

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One month has passed since Clarke and Bellamy reunited.

One month of grief.
One month of forgiveness.
One month of friendship, and possibly the desire for something more.

Soon after they realized the celestial judge wasn't coming back, Clarke and Bellamy decided to build a house by the sea. The sea was where they first saw each other again on that incredible day of reunification one month ago.

Sure, it was a lot of work, but what else did they have to do?

The construction of their house was exhausting for them both, but almost... therapeutic in a way.

They talked more than they ever had before. They worked through Clarke's guilt together. Clarke comforted Bellamy when unexpected waves of sadness overcame him, and vice versa. Clarke and Bellamy helped each other beyond what they ever thought was possible.

Bellamy and Clarke sometimes become solemn as their harsh reality sets in once again, but the good times they share balance out this never ending sadness.

On this particular night, they decide to construct a campfire and stargaze together. Neither will admit this is a date, but to any onlooker, it certainly appears to be one.

Clarke and Bellamy lay blankets down on top of the rough, familiar ground. They lay on their backs, side by side near the campfire, as they stare at the twinkling stars above. Their bodies aren't close enough to be considered intimate, but if one of the pair decided to brush their hand against the other's, it would take no effort at all.

"Can we please make some s'mores?" Bellamy jokingly asks Clarke.

Clarke's eyes widen with excitement as she says, "I wish we had the supplies to make s'mores. I would kill for one of those right now." Clarke is filled with instant regret as she utters those last words.

"Too soon?" She questions, clearly embarrassed.

Bellamy chuckles as he responds, "No, don't worry. I would kill for a few s'mores too."

Clarke sighs with relief before she asks, "Are things still awkward between us, Bell?"

"They won't be if you stop making them awkward, princess," Bellamy responds with a smirk.

Clarke turns over to face Bellamy as she rolls her eyes saying, "I'm serious, Bellamy. How did you forgive me so quickly, anyway?"

Bellamy ponders his response before he rolls over to face Clarke and says, "It isn't very hard to forgive someone you love, even if they murder you."

Bellamy's words take a moment to register in Clarke's mind.

"You love me?" She asks. "Even after everything I've done, you still love me?"

"We've been over this numerous times, Clarke. I forgive you," Bellamy states with confidence.

"Well, yeah. But, you haven't said you love me during any of those times." Clarke retorts.

"I just haven't had the courage to say it before today," Bellamy says as he lightly brushes Clarke's fingertips with his own. "I love you, Clarke Griffin."

Clarke can't believe this is happening. She's loved Bellamy for so long, but she has always been too afraid to admit it, even to herself.

Bellamy stares at her with anticipation, the hope and love in his eyes slowly diminishing as each second passes with no response from Clarke.

Clarke gulps with nervousness as she replies, "I love you, Bellamy Blake."

The hopeless look in Bellamy's eyes quickly changes into a look of happiness, and arguably even desire. Clarke senses this immediately before she says, "Just kiss me already, damn it."

Bellamy flashes his beautiful smile as he lightly cups Clarke's chin with his hand and brings his lips to touch her own.

The moment their lips lock, they both feel it. The uncontainable passion and desire they have been holding back for so long is finally unleashed. It feels unlike anything either has ever experienced before.

They've both loved others before. But this love, it's different. It's a love based off of a never-ending friendship. Their relationship may not be perfect, nor will it ever be, but it is still better than either of them could have ever imagined.

They wrap their arms around each other in a passionate embrace as their lips lock. Their years of friendship have morphed into something more, something uniquely special.

The fire seems to dance around them in a fury, like their uncontainable and fiery love.

It is in that moment, as their bodies are intertwined, that they both realize this is all they need. They need each other... they've always needed each other.

Clarke completes Bellamy.

Bellamy completes Clarke.

They are puzzle pieces meant to be forever joined together in love.

Nothing else matters.

Well, not nothing. This is made evident as Picasso comes bounding straight towards them. He abruptly ends their passionate kiss with some sloppy kisses of his own.

Some may think Clarke and Bellamy would be disappointed if their kiss of desire was cut short, but they don't mind. They don't mind because they have finally admitted to one another, and to themselves, that they are meant for each other. They might not have said those exact words, but they know... they both know.

They chuckle as Picasso rolls around on the ground, covering himself in dirt. His glee mirrors their own.

They look up to the sky once more, filled with happiness. They think about this joy they share, and how much they want to share it with the other people they love.

The twinkling stars seem to wink back at them as they stare at one another, overcome with joy once more. They turn away and glance to the sky above. They truly do complete each other, for they say in unison, "May we meet again."

Clarke rests her head upon Bellamy's shoulders and is finally filled with peace. Bellamy is overjoyed. The girl he is in love with loves him too.

They've been through hell, and they made it out alive because of their perseverance and love.

Clarke and Bellamy have lost too much to fathom. They've lost everyone they loved. They have nothing.

But, they have everything. They mean the world to each other, this world or another. Although everything and everyone they once loved has been torn away from them, they know they will be okay. They will be okay because they have each other.

Clarke and Bellamy.

The head and the heart.

Together until death do them apart.

They didn't receive the happy ending they desired, but this ending is a happy one for them nonetheless.


Multitudes of stars away, a woman is standing on a platform surrounded by a purple sky.

The celestial judge smiles as Lexa and all of the other humans influence her mind, overcome with emotion. Clarke and Bellamy's happy ending is fulfilled. They are each other's happy ending.

The couple stares up at the stars, oblivious to the fact that the ones they love heard them. They heard those four special words they breathed into the earth's air.

Lexa looks down at Clarke and Bellamy with a smile on her face as she, filled with the emotion of their loved ones, says those significant words, "May we meet again."

I hope you all enjoyed the final chapter of the 100: bellamy returns. I will be posting an epilogue soon that is guaranteed to leave you satisfied and happy. i can't wait to write some more alternate endings! feel free to leave comments on this chapter and previous ones, and message us with suggestions!
may we meet again

the 100: bellamy returnsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora