chapter 2: the head and the heart

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Before Bellamy can speak, Clarke quickly wipes away the single tear that has fallen from her cheek.

She abruptly turns to the celestial judge wearing Lexa's face and asks, "Is Madi ok?"

The judge, surprised because Clarke's focus is no longer on Bellamy, answers with a blunt, "Madi is fine. She is at peace."

Clarke glances over her shoulder at Bellamy and smiles slightly. She grieves over the fact she may never see her daughter again, but she is content knowing she is at peace.

Bellamy smiles back at Clarke once he knows Madi is ok. Partly because he cares for Madi and he's glad she's safe, but also because he knows Clarke must be relieved.

Clarke turns back to Lexa. She stares at her with an evident intensity. Her eyes are filled with curiosity, loss, and love. She knows she will most likely never see Lexa, or another version of Lexa, ever again. Before she can utter the words "may we meet again", Lexa has already turned into a ball of light and transcended into the sky.

She and Bellamy stare for a moment at the spot Lexa was just standing upon with disbelief. How is it even possible for someone to transcend so abruptly right before their eyes?

An awkward silences quickly fills the air between Clarke and Bellamy.

Clarke is trying to think of a way to begin to express her remorse for killing Bell. Bellamy, on the other hand, is grasping for an idea of what to say to his killer that remains the person he loves the most.

Before either of them even realizes what they're doing, they pull each other into a tight embrace. They hold each other close, with only the sounds of the forest filling the space between them.

With tears filling her eyes once again, Clarke breaks the hug first. Bellamy looks down, locks his eyes with hers, and breaks into a grin.

Clarke speaks first as she says, "I can't believe you're here with me! I don't even know where to begin to apologize." The unstoppable tears slide down her face once more as she continues, "You were right, Bell. Transcendence is real. And now I've ripped what you wanted most away from you: the opportunity to transcend. It's all my fault. I killed you Bell. I-," Bellamy quickly cuts her off as he lifts her head gently with his hand.

Clarke is in such a state of shock, she stops her incessant apologies immediately. She never thought she would be able to feel his touch again. She believed that when she pulled that trigger, it was the end. Every chance to feel Bellamy's hand on her skin had disappeared. It appears she was very, very wrong.

Bellamy looks with unwavering passion into her eyes as he speaks to her. He allows a tear to roll down his face before saying, "You don't need to apologize, Clarke. I understand why you did it. I really do. You care for Madi like I care for Octavia; I would've done the exact same thing if I was in your shoes, I would do anything for O." His passion fades to sadness as he remembers he will probably never see Octavia again.

Clarke instantly recognizes what the look of sadness upon his beautiful face means; her face has displayed the exact same look many times before.

Clarke gently takes Bellamy's hand into her own as she leads him to a fallen tree on the seashore. She lowers herself down gently onto the tree, and motions for Bellamy to do the same. Bellamy obliges, but his eyes are still clouded with despair. Clarke and Bellamy both turn their eyes towards the sea before them.

"Bell, I don't think I realized until now just how much I missed the Earth," Clarke says softly.

The corners of Bellamy's lips turn upwards slightly as he says, "Me too, Clarke. Me too."

Clarke slowly lays her head down on Bellamy's shoulder. Bellamy then puts his hand over hers as they rest lightly on the tree.

"Do you think you can ever forgive me, Bell?" Clarke manages to choke out.

"I already have," Bellamy says with a smile.

i hope you all enjoyed chapter 2!! it's a lot shorter than the first chapter because i really wanted to conclude lexa's character for this ending, and slowly introduce bellarke. the next chapter will be FULL of bellarke! i probably didn't put as much bellarke content in this as you had hoped for, but i think it would take a little time for their relationship to heal. if you're a fan of bellarke, keep an eye out for chapter 3 👀 chapter 3 will most likely be the final chapter. then, there will be an epilogue that i think all of you will love! (hint: more characters) thank you all so much for reading! feel free to leave comments and message us with suggestions!
may we meet again

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