Chapter 7: The last day

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Sally: Wake up, sleepyhead!

Y/N: Ughhhh...Five more minutes.

Sally: Nope, get up NOW!

She suddenly opened the curtains, and the light of the blazing sun entered my room.


I get up extremely quickly and go to the only place the sun can't reach me, next to the wardrobe. Sally slowly walked up to me, probably laughing inside.

Sally: Is the sun that bad?

Y/N: You have no idea.

Ann: Hey, Y/N! Get your lazy ass in the kitchen!

Y/N: Yeah, I'm coming!

I dress in a simple black shirt, black jogging pants, and red shoes and run to the kitchen. There was Slender preparing pancakes. He said yesterday that today would be a special day. I suppose the breakfast he's fixing is part of it.

Y/N: Wow, you surpassed yourself! What are we doing now?

Slender: Today is the last day.

Y/N: Of what?

Ann: Of training. That means I won't have to see your stupid face every morning.

I looked at her with puppy eyes.

Y/N: But I won't be able to demolish you in mortal kombat anymore.

She suddenly looked very frustrated.

Ann: I'll take you on any day of the week. I just won't need to see you directly.

Y/N: Ho Ho. So, you're excited to see me again after I leave.

Ann: NO! Not... particularly.

She was nervous. It's been five months since she tried to kill me and my promise to make her my friend. It was challenging at the beginning. I tried to talk to her and joked around when she was present, but she would always ignore or insult me. One day, I stopped myself and tried to think of what approach would work with her. It hit me when I saw her participate in a cooking contest with Slender, with Sally and me as judges. She lost and was very disappointed. Nobody can win against Slender anyways. She stayed in her room having a mental breakdown for the entire day; yes, it was that serious. Sally was in her bedroom next to her, and she swore she heard the room being destroyed with a sledgehammer. Twice. Like she heard the same objects being broken twice.

I realized that if I wanted to have some sort of friendship with her, I had to win something against her, to break her pride. So, I started playing mortal kombat in my room with the door open. A few days later, I played on the campaign, and she caught a glimpse of the gameplay. She asked me if she could play, and I accepted. I told her how the game worked, and we played our first match. I completely humiliated her. It wasn't fair since I was using my main, Mileena, but she was still trembling with rage when we finished. I was going to tell her that it was normal since she was new at the game, but instead of trying to kill me again, she just wanted a rematch. We played at least 1 hour before I went to bed. The next day, after my training, she was waiting in my room to play again. Since then, I would fight her in Mortal Kombat almost every day. In the beginning, I tried to give her advice to help her, and she wouldn't want to hear, but she eventually gave in. I tried my best to make jokes and be friendly. As the days passed, she started to talk to me more casually and smile at my jokes; I think since she had a mask in front of her mouth, and even if she doesn't want to admit it, we became friends. I wouldn't say we are at the state where we can confess our secrets and trust us with them, but we're getting there. I think she actually started to appreciate me when this happened a few weeks ago:

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