18. the truth about alcohol

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Anna POV:

We all sat around the restaruant drinking beers and eating cheap and gross foods that you could literally taste the fat and grease.

I was getting kind of sick and tired of the night and I was ready to go home and get a decent nights sleep.

Dougie looked over at me after he was laughing with his friends and chugged some of his beer. I smiled lightly and gave him a fake smirk. I chugged down my own glass of water and picked at the food that was in front of me.

Sarah spoke up. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I looked up at her slowly and gave her a frown. "I'm just tired." I lied.

To be honest, I was thinking about the past. My hidden tattoo and how it came to be in that song that McFly so graciously wrote. I wasn't ready for all of this all over again.

"So why don't we get the check and go home?" Sarah asked, slightly slurring her words because she was drinking.

I guess being the "designated driver" was kind of impossible living in New York. I guess I just didn't want to be drunk. I didn't like being drunk.

"Ok." I said, getting up and paying for the dinner and beers and leaving the restaruant without telling them or showing them I was leaving.

The cold night air hit me in the face like a brick wall and I suddenly got shivers in my spine. I wrapped my flannel around my face as best I could and carried the leftover food I managed to somehow get.

I walked down the street to the nearest subway station and walked down the stairs to swipe my card in the turnstile and walking through it. I walked to my platform and got on when I needed to.

The ride was silent given there weren't many people on at this time of night and no one wanted to talk to each other.

I bundled up as much I could in this underground tunnel and waited for my stop. I got off when it was my stop and I walked home.

I unlocked my door after I got off the elevator and put my food in the fridge before trudging up the stairs and going into our closet to find pajamas.

I changed from my grungey outfit into a large black sweater and grey sweatpants. I then went to my room and took my makeup off and took my contacts out and put my chic glasses on.

Then I heard commotion in the apartment, either Sarah or Dougie was here. Frankly I was really hoping it was Sarah.

As I walked from my bathroom to my actual bedroom, I heard the door to my room close and I looked to see a very drunken Dougie. He almost fell over as he looked up at me finally and he smiled devilishly.

Oh shit. Dougie and alcohol never mix well. Never did. Never will.

"Hey beautiful." He slurred as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Not now." I said sternly with a sense of attitude in my tone.

He laughed and started kissing me, sloppily and disgustingly. I tried pulling away from him and my best to push him away from me, him resisting and persisting to have his way.

He pushed me down on my bed and got on top of me and started pulling my shirt above my head and I pushed him away from me as I tried harder. He didn't want any of this and kissed me again.

"Dougie. Stop!" I said loud enough for him to hear me but not shouting yet. He didn't listen.

He began trying to remove my pants and I kneed him in his stomach as he continued to try and have sex with me, while he was drunk.

I've been looking for you for 4 years. (Mcfly fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن