7. Games.

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Anna POV:

As Dougie and I walked back to the room where all the guys and Sarah were, I let go of his hand and ran away from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, jogging after me, trying to catch up.

"I'm getting my jacket." I said turning around and looking at him.

He took off his suit jacket, and handed it to me. "Here. It's probably big."

I smiled. "Thanks. I have to get something else. I lied."

He looked at me in confusion and followed me upstairs. I looked at my wrist for the key to my office and realized I had put it somewhere, hidden. Dougie was standing next to me, clearly confused because I was just standing there.

"What are you doing?" He asked laughing.

"I have to get my key for this office." I stated, he leaned up against the wall outside my office.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"It's hidden." I informed.

His mouth formed an 'O' shape. "So get it. I won't tell."

I blushed. "Alright." I said, I looked over at him once more and he started laughing.

"See nothing has changed. You're still crazy!" He recalled.

"Shut up Dougie!" I yelled back at him.

"Where's the key?" Dougie asked. "Is it like somewhere up high?" He asked standing on his tippy toes.

"No." I said, finally having the courage to get the key. I reached into my bra and got the key.

"Nice hiding place." Dougie said, cheekily smiling.

"No one can get it!! So shut up!" I said, opening the door.

I walked in and sat at my chair. I leaned forward under my desk looking for what I came here for.

"No one can get it huh? What about me?" He asked clearly happy.

"No one...besides you..." I sighed, looking effortlessly for that old camera.

He laughed and I heard him sit down in a chair. I chuckled and finally found the camera.

"Nice red lace bra by the way." He said as I resurfaced from under my desk.

"Don't be cheeky, Doug." I said, seriously.

He rolled his eyes and focused on what I had placed on the desk.

"Is that the camera...?" He asked.

"Yep. The one you bought for me. I kept it." I said.

He looked at me then smiled. "I now understand your tattoo."

"Finally." I mumbled under my breath.

He got up from the chair and picked me up, threw me over his shoulder.

"Dougie!!" I screamed. "Put me down I have a dress on."

He ignored my demand and carted me down the stairs and trudged down the hall to the dining room. It was pointless to try to get away. I could run but I couldn't hide.

He tried to open the door, but couldn't get it. "Hey, can you open it?" He asked me.

I sternly said. "Nope. Put me down and I will."

"Nevermind. I can just knock." He said being his stubborn self. He knocked on the door and not a second later, Tom opened the door.

Tom looked at us like we were Siamese twins. I'm sure it looked ridiculous, being carried by his friend and he had no knowledge of our relationship at all.

I've been looking for you for 4 years. (Mcfly fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now