10. Chocolate cake.

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Anna POV:

"JUST FIND SOMETHING TO WEAR!!" I screamed at Sarah who was starting to piss me off.

Sarah was rushing around looking for something to wear to the rangers game and failed epically.

It was funny because after the photo shoot with Josh, Dougie and Sarah were covered in paint. Sarah came home with me and Dougie went to his apartment with the guys to take a much needed shower and have his own clothes.

After I got dressed in my blueshirts nation outfit, I tried to see if Sarah got dressed.

I had a rangers SnapBack on, a rangers tee shirt, bright blue high top converse, ripped jeans and I tried scrunching my red hair.

When I saw what Sarah had on, I literally had a heart attack. She was wearing a Boston bruins SnapBack, a bruins tee shirt, and jeans.

"You better go change!!" I instructed pointing to the door of the closet!

She smiled and pulled at the hem of the ugly shirt she had on. She looked down at her shirt and shrugged. "Nope!" She said popping the "p"

"Fine." I said through clenched teeth.

"Fine!" She said in an annoying mimic.

"Sarah! I swear to fucking god I will push you down these stairs if you for fucking shut up!" I screamed walking down the stairs.

I realized I must have looked like a adolescent stomping my feet down the stairs. Wow, I'm mature. I am contradicting my entire point of Dougie being immature. Oh well.

I walked into the kitchen and found some junk food to snack on for the time being. I didn't even want to look at Sarah. It wasn't personal, it was her clothing and team choices.

How could someone be so stupid as to like the fucking Boston Bruins. They suck and having Tim Thomas made the team worse. Everyone knows that Henrik Lundqvist is the, by far, the best hockey goalie there is.

Sarah walked into the kitchen skipping around, and advertising her bruins apparel. I felt like throwing the kitchen knife at her, but only ruining the shirt. I loved her to death but the shirt and hat had to go. I had a plan, wait until she didn't expect it and rip the short off of her and the hat and blow torch it!! Hahaha.

"Hey red!" She screamed, still eyeing her shirt.

I looked up from eating my delicious chocolate cake and flung a spoonful of the cake at her. Luckily it didn't get on the furniture, but it got on her shirt.

"Damn! Why did you do that?" She asked in the stupidest manner possible.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled the same creepy smile she did before when she was eyeing her then, clean shirt.

"I like the New York rangers, everyone in New York likes the NEW YORK RANGERS. we're not in BOSTON!!" I screamed laughing as she wiped the chocolate frosting off her shirt and throwing it into the trash.

"I see how it is!!" She said evilly grinning walking over to the cake display we had and lifting the glass too off.

I backed away slowly and suddenly shit my pants. Not literally. I kept looking at her and she kept that smile on her face.

"Don't you fucking dare-" I said but then got cut off when a piece of cake hit my beautiful shirt and stained it. I sighed and formed and "O" with my mouth.

I looked from the stain on my shirt to the smile on Sarah's face. I walked cover to the kitchen and dabbed the cake off of my shirt. It worked, luckily because I didn't have enough time to wash and dry my shirt.

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