2. Fletch.

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Sarah POV:

"Thanks again for doing this." I said looking at Anna who was returning with a small smile. It wasn't convincing.

"No problem. What are friends for?" She asked lightly chuckling. Something was off with her lately.

"To buy each other TOMs?" I said, more stated.

She laughed and I sat down next to her as we boarded the subway.

"So what mall are we going to?" I asked.

"What one has the better Journeys?" Anna asked me back, looking up from her phone.

"I think the one in west manhattan. Yeah. They have a huge one there. And it's the better mall so they have better shoes." I said, doing my research because I knew Anna would take me out.

"Alright." She said standing up and walking over to the door, looking at the map of the subway.

"So we need to get off at Grand central, so about 15 minutes." She said, sternly giving me her attention.

"Sounds. Good." I said as we both sat back down.

The next 5 minutes were silent until i decided to speak up. "So are you alright?"

Anna looked at me confused and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She asked shooing the question away.

"I don't know. I have known you for 4 long years, your been my best friend. Something is off about you." I stated.

She looked up giving me an unconvincing smile. "I'm fine."

I didn't believe her.

We stayed strangely silent the rest of the way and got off at Grand Central.

"Lets go." Anna said grabbing my wrist, power walking to the mall.

"You know it's like 5 blocks from here right?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know. We've been to this mall like a million times. Hurry." She shouted. What was going on? I was so confused. Sometimes she was mysterious and held stuff in.

We reached the mall and we walked in the main entrance. I finally took control of the situation and ran over to the mall directory. This mall was massive.

"So were here near Macy's," anna started.

"We need to get to journeys which is on the third floor in the middle near the food court." I finished.

"Yeah!! I know where it is. I remember last time when I bought doc martens." She said walking away. What's the hurry.

"I want to go to hot topic. They have this cool limited edition Queen shirt that they are only selling for a week. I want one in my size." She yelled running towards hot topic. Of course she memorized where it was.

"I see. Queen is your favorite." I sated the obvious.

We finally made it to Hot topic and Anna started looking around the first T-shirt wall and I stumbled across a cool looking shirt. It was a walking dead shirt and it said "if Daryl dies we riot"

I picked up Anna's size, which was also mine, we share, and I brought it over to her.

"Whatcha got there?" She asked not taking her eyes off of the racks, searching.

"A Daryl Dixon shirt." I said.

She stopped dead in her tracks and spun towards me. "Give me that!!" She said flailing her arms all around.

"JEEZE. Someone is over enthused with the walking dead." I said and tried to mumble.

"Shut it Riley!" She called at me. Sometimes we call each other by our last names. I don't mind, my last name is cool. I would totally name my kid Rylie Riley.

I've been looking for you for 4 years. (Mcfly fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant