4. Hug.

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Anna POV:

I wasn't really sure what to do. I kind of just stood there. I mean the guy was like my best friend for almost 6 years.

He stood there smiling. I also wasn't sure if he knew who I was. God I missed him.

Dougie poytner. I missed that name. I thought I lost him forever.

"Anna Simmons." I smiled shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said. Wait? Nice to meet you? We've met before. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew he would eventually forget about me. They all do.

"You as well." I said smiling, heartbroken and crushed inside. I really just wanted to run away to my apartment and curl up in my bed and cry. He forgot about me.

"Now. Shall we get started?" I asked the guys all standing next to each other, Fletch next to them.

A chorus of "yeahs" came through their mouths. I smiled and Sarah nicely led them over to the set while I got a camera.

"Alright. So Did you guys bring lunch?" I asked them, adjusting the lens on my camera, focusing on Dougie. I can't say it enough, I miss that gorgeous face.

"No. We were running late and didnt have time." Tom explained.

"Oh me too! I had like 1 minute to set up before you guys came in. Totally unprofessional." I said.

They laughed. Then dougie spoke up. "We should get some Chinese." Chinese was my favorite food. That accent. It was definitely the same since a couple years ago. It was deeper though, but definitely him.

I laughed. "Yeah. I think we have a bunch of menus here somewhere. I can get them for you. We can order some." I said.

"Cool!!" Danny shouted along with Harry. I laughed.

"So I guess you guys like Chinese food." I stated.

They all said yes.

After I finished switching the lenses and getting everything set, I put the camera on the tripod and walked over to them.

"Alright. Mind if I touch you guys??" I said. "No pun intended."

They laughed. "Nope." They all said simultaneously.

"Alright. So Tom you will go over here on this sitting block." I said and led him to the block. "Alright. Perfect. Sit with your legs forward, and chin up." I said. He laughed and did as I told.

I looked around at Dougie, Danny and Harry standing next to each other, worried.

"I don't bite. Jeeze. Come here Danny." I said waving my hand for Danny to come over to me.

He laughed, probably an inside joke between the 3.

"Alright you will be in the middle. You guys brought your guitars right?" I asked.

"Yeah we did. They're over there." Tom said pointing across the room a ways.

"We can take a couple with them and without." I turned around.

"Dougie you have a bass right?" I asked dougie.

He turned from his conversation with Harry and looked at me serious. "I'm sorry. What was that?" He asked.

We made eye contact and I knew he knew who I was. Why did he try to hide it? I mean I am too but I always think the boy should make the first move.

"Did you bring a bass? For the photo shoot?" I asked, waiting for an answer.

"Oh. Yeah over there." He asked, seeming arrogant to trying to impress his new friends. Maybe he changed. After all it's been 4 years.

I've been looking for you for 4 years. (Mcfly fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora