1. Ink paper and TOMs

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Anna POV:

"Anna!! Guess what?" Sarah, my best friend asked me.

"What?" I asked as I opened up the door to my photography business that is popular in mainstream New York City.

"I wanted these TOMS. Think you can get them for me? Early birthday?" Sarah asked.

I laughed. Sarah was hilarious. "Sure. And your birthday was like 2 months ago."

I opened the door to my large studio and business, Sarah traveling behind, carrying things like photo paper and new ink for my printers.

"So?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah?" I asked walking upstairs, yes it was that big that there was an upstairs, actually 4 floors, I had a whole building.

"When can I get the TOMs ?" Sarah asked? Setting down a large box of paper on the counter in the storage room.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 11:33am. "4 ok?" I asked going into the large supply closet and pulling different, random drawers open.

"Yeah. Need any help?" Sarah asked.

I looked around to see all the boxes we just brought in. "Uh. Can you carry the box you set down on my desk down stairs, up here?" I asked.

She shook her head as she was eating a lollipop, being bored.

She walked down the stairs and I rearranged the ink in the drawers so I could fit the new ink in.

I heard Sarah come up the stairs. "Here." She said setting the box on the stool next to me.

"Thanks. So you know who's coming here this week?" I asked Sarah who was sitting on the counter of the storage room, flinging her long legs around.

"Who? Someone famous?" She asked. I smiled.

"Sarah! Someone famous comes in here everyday. Having me do their weddings and what not. Guess." I said.

"I don't know Anna. Who?" Sarah asked impatient and finally gave in.

"Josh Hutcherson." I said looking down. She probably didnt believe me. She basically choked on her lollipop and gaped at me.

"Your joking." She said ever so serious.

"I wish I was. He has to come here to take pics for a movie so he called me." I explained.

She ran over to me and hugged me. "Can I come?? What day is he coming?" She asked.

"Whoa. Whoa. He's coming in 3 days so Thursday. And yes you can come. You're here everyday anyways." I explained still arranging the ink.

"I love you so much right now!!" She screamed.

"I know I know. Just don't get in the way when I'm shooting him." I said.

She looked at me taken aback. "You're going to shoot him?" She asked, flabbergasted.

" I meant like take pictures of him, dumbass. I thought I was the stupid one? Since we met like 4 years ago." I asked.

"Oh yeah. So what are you doing today? Have any clients today? Any hot clients?" She asked, mumbling the last part.

"Yeah a couple. I have Robert Kirkman coming in at 12:30 to pick up some digitals for the Walking Dead." I said.

"That's your favorite show. What pictures did you take for that?" Sarah asked, daydreaming.

"Yeah it is. If you start my Mountain lion, I will show you." I instructed.

"What the fuck is a Mountain Lion?" Sarah asked looming stunned.

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