21: Couple

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"Jisung... " I start. My heart was beating so fast, I can't believe the Park Jisung just confessed to me. 

"I understand if you don't like me back but can we still be friends? I hate when-"

"I- I like you too." I interrupt and smile.

"Oh... OH! She likes me back! Oh my gosh, she likes me back!" Jisung shouts, running around the entire cabin. I giggle. "Kim Y/N likes me back, and now she's my girlfriend!"

He was jumping up and down, but then stopped and looked at me, realizing what he said.

"Yes Jisung, I will be your girlfriend." I reassure.

"Wait, she's my girlfriend which means I'm her boyfriend?" Jisung questions and looks towards the boys. "Hyungs, how do I be a boyfriend?"

They all laugh at the innocence and confusion in his voice.

"It's like being friends, but you both like each other." Chenle explains.

"It's like she's your best friend, except you can kiss her." Jaemin tells with a wink.

Jisung immediately starts blushing and I feel my face growing hot too.

"Come on, leave them alone you guys." Jeno says. "Congratulations on your relationship Y/N and Jisung! Y/N-sung?"

"Hey! I'm president and founder of the Y/N-sung club." Chenle argues.

"And I'm vice president." Jaemin states.

"You guys have a whole club?" I ask.

"Ugh, don't get me started." Jisung face palms.

I laugh and we all exchange glances with one another.

"So... now what?" Renjun questions.

"Anyone want pizza?" Haechan ask. We all agree and he calls a pizza place.

Everyone sits down at the park benches and eats the pizza that Haechan ordered.

"Oh and don't forget," Mark starts, words somewhat unclear due to the food in his mouth. "We still have a challenge tomorrow."

"Ugh, aren't we celebrating Jesun and Y/N's new relationship, can't we just skip the challenge?" Haechan complains.

"Actually it's Jisu-" Jisung starts but Haechan cuts him off.

"Yeah, thanks Gisung."

Jisung rolls his eyes and looks back towards Mark.

"What's the challenge?" I ask.

"Cooking." Mark replies.

"Yay! That actually sounds like fun." Renjun pipes.

"I'd hate to be stuck on a team with Jisung." Chenle laughs.

"I've already chosen the teams and Chenle will be working with Jisung." Mark tells.

"Are you kidding me?" Chenle ask, throwing face into his hands.

We all laugh and I look at Jisung.

"He can't be that bad, right?" I ask.

"He once asked if he should wash tomatoes with dish soap." Jeno says.

"Oh, good luck Chenle." I giggle. "Who am I with?"

"Renjun." Mark states.

"Woo, dream team!" Renjun cheers and gives me a high five.

Jisung is seen in the background pouting while Chenle comforts him.

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