7: Fireflies

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We gon' light it up, light it up now darling,
We can make the stars align
We gon' light it up, light it up, now we sparkling
Brighter than the fireflies (fireflies)

Y/N P.O.V.

Everyone went inside at 9:00 p.m. it is now aound 11:00 p.m.

Me and Jisung were still awake, but I got bored of the videos and looked out towards the window.

When I looked at the window, I saw a firefly.

"Look Jisung!" I shout with excitement.

Jisung shivers. "Ew, a bug." He says.

"It's not just a bug, it's a firefly!" I cheer. Jisung gives me weirded out look, but then smiles when he notices my excitement.

I look back out the window to see hundreds of fireflies flying outside the window.

"Jisung, we have to go catch some!" I exclaim, running towards the door.

"But it's so late, and- hey! Wait!" Jisung yells.

I stop and turn to look at him.

"You need a jacket." He says handing me my jacket off my bed.

I smile when he hands me the jacket. That was so caring of him.

"Get your shoes on, let's go!" I shout.

Me and Jisung run outside to see Chenle already out. He had a couple of jars with him.

"Look at all these fireflies!" Chenle yells.

"I guess that explains the camps name." Jisung speaks.

"Can I have a jar? I want to catch some." I ask Chenle. He hands me and Jisung a jar and the 3 of us run around trying to catch fireflies.

I jump up to try to swoop some, but I couldn't reach. Jisung walks up behind me and easily grabs the swarm of flies I couldn't.

"We get it Jisung, your tall." I say, jokingly rolling my eyes at him.

He laughs and we continue to catch more fireflies.

We filled our jars and eventually went inside to go to sleep, but we didn't really grasp how long we had been outside.

The next day came and we felt dead. Mark had already made his announcement through the speaker, but me and Jisung weren't ready to get up yet.

"Wake up Y/N... " Jisung says in a sleepy, deep morning voice. He came off from his bunk and stood in front of my bed.

"5 more... hours." I say back.

A knock sounds at the door and Jisung drags his feet to open it.

"Good morning babies." Jaemin coos in a cheerful tone.

We both mumble a "good morning" back but it was hardly comprehensible due to how tired we were.

"Jeez, you guys sound dead." Jaemin remarks.

"I feel dead." I respond.

"You seem tired, here, have some coffee." Jaemin offers, pushing out his coffee cup towards us.

"How much caffeine is in this?" Jisung ask, probably noting to how energetic Jaemin is.

"Don't worry about it." Jaemin states.

Jisung takes the coffee cup and takes a sip. He immediately winces, painfully gulping the coffee down.

He hands me the cup and I do the same.

"Thanks Jaemin, but you can keep your coffee." I imply, handing it back to him.

Jaemin leaves and Jisung looks back down towards me, who was still in bed, under my covers.

"Ready to go?" Jisung questions, still hovering over me.

"Hmm, 5 more minutes." I reply, rolling over to face the wall.

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