4: First Challenge

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It's around 7:50 in the morning and I'm on my phone, scrolling through k-pop Instagram with the little signal that I had.

I look to my left to see Jisung resting peacefully on his top bunk. 'He looks kinda cute-


'Nevermind.' I think, looking back at my phone.

Out of no where, a loud blazing sound wakes Jisung, and I'm pretty sure the whole forest, out of their sleep.

"GOOD MORNING CAMPERS! YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES TO FIX YOUR BED HEAD AND MEET AT THE FIRE PIT!" A loud voice blast through the air. It kind of sounds like Mark's voice.

I look to my left again to see Jisung give me a tired and confused look.

I shrug and get out of my bed, making my way into the bathroom.

By 8:00 a.m. me and all the boys were gathered at the fire pit. Everyone was wearing hoodies with their hair messy and their eyes barely open due to their sleepy state.

"Wow, you actually came." Mark says in a surprised tone.

"You mean we had a choice!" Haechan yells in question. He pulls the strings on his hoodie, enclosing his face in the jacket.

"Not really!" Mark shouts. He had a lot of enthusiasm for early morning. "Anyway onto today's challenge, basketball!"

"Basketball!" A boy yells. I think it was Chenle, upon hearing the word, his face lit up.

"Are you any good?" Haechan ask Chenle.

"I've never missed a hoop in my life." Chenle says with confidence.

"I want him on my team!" Jeno yells. This makes Chenle smile very wide, it was nice to see him happy.

"So now that you know what the challenge is, it's time for breakfast." Mark says. Everyone gets up and drags themselves to the food cabin.

We all sit down and eat breakfast, a few boys talking amongst themselves but Jisung and Chenle were both still quiet.

"Hi Y/N!" Jaemin says sitting by me and interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh hi Jaemin." I respond.

"You can call me Nana." Jaemin replies with a big smile.

"Okay, Nana." I say to Jaemin.

We finished breakfast and went back outside.

"Now we will be seeing who's on each team. Since there are 7 of you there will be one team of 3 and 2 of 2." Mark explains. "The decision will be as easy as rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!"

When Mark yells shoot, everyone throws out a symbol. Jaemin and Haechan throw rock, Jeno and Renjun throw paper, and me, Jisung, and Chenle throw scissors.

"That was easy," Mark says. "Think of team names and then meet me at the court!"

Jisung was already sitting next to me so Chenle came up to approach us.

"So... what should our team name be?" I ask.

"Hmm," Chenle thinks. "You guys are both 02' liners right?" Both me and Jisung nod our heads. "I'm a 01' liner, let's call ourselves the Maknae Trio!"

Me and Jisung looked at each other, he smiles and I do the same back.

"Maknae Trio it is!" I cheer.

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