ᴘᴀʀᴛ 𝟺: ɢᴏᴛ

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      I will always wish you the best...

By the next day, Jimin cursed himself for being so drunk that night that he literally cannot get up without feeling nauseous. He didn't knew about the events happened after he cried his eyes out and passed out. He can't even remember who brought him home or paid his bill. He is literally drunk drunk last night.

He doesn't want to check his phone for any messages cause he knew that Jungkook already bombarded their chatbox with nothing but questions about his whereabouts and he's not feeling good today... Maybe a day off to two would give his pounding head and aching body a rest.

"Ugh! I shouldn't done that last night... Now, I'm feeling sick and my head is killing me..." Jimin groans when his face was greeted by the morning sun peeking through his curtains. He knew that should be a great day since he finally decided to accept the truth that Jungkook will never be his, but it's hard. His heart weighs a lot heavier today than normal, and he can't pinpoint whether it's just because of his body pain or the emotional breakdown he went through after he heard the freaking truth. He told to himself that can't blame anyone for his decisions, but there is still a time where he wanted to act innocent and blame Jungkook for being stupid enough to realize his feelings. He wanted to yell at him and break off their friendship for good.

But he knew he can't do that...
Since he promise the latter that no matter what happen, even the world ends today, he will never leave his side...

And the cost of his promise is a loophole of suffering and tears...

And before he can stop himself, he just grabbed his keys and left his house, driving alone with no definite destination, with a torn heart begging for peace....

      At the end of the day, I'm still thinking about you...

"Jimin-ah didn't come to work for two days now. And I tried to call him multiple times but he never answer." Jungkook looked down at his cup of coffee, a big frown visible as he tried to contact the smaller again.

"Maybe he finally woke up from his dreamland and realize that he's wasting his time and effort for a guy who can't take care of himself for 8 years straight now." Yoongi, his cousin and the company's OIC, replied while sipping his now cold coffee. "He should have done that since day one cause he's young and beautiful and anyone would love to date him but he never did because he's busy taking care of you. " He shoots the younger a weird look. "A 24-year old CEO of a gaming company who's still in love with his ex. The girl who happens to live somewhere outside our planet."

Jungkook bit his lower lip and felt guilty upon hearing the truth from his cousin. Was he became unbearable now that his best friend ended up giving up from taking care of him? Was it because he's still holding onto his past that he didn't notice the worth of the people around him? So is it really his fault since day one? Multiple question kept popping up on his mind that he didn't heard the notification from his phone.  Yoongi quickly throw a crumpled paper in his head and muttered, "It must be important" before leaving the latter's office.

3 new messages from unknown number

    Please remember those days that we're together...

Three short but firm messages came to Jungkook's phone from Namjoon saying that Jimin will resign as his co owner of their company. He tried to call the said number but the guy turned off his phone. There isn't enough reason why the latter decided to leave, and he's desperate to know everything at once. He thought that their friendship is strong enough to face even the end of the world. Jimin promised him that he will stand beside him no matter what, so what changed?

He grabbed his car keys and left his office without telling anyone (apart from Yoongi) where he is heading to...
It only took him a few minutes until he arrived the latter's humble home. Jungkook told the guards that he's visiting the smaller today, yet he earn a confused look from the older men.

"Are you sure you're looking for our young master? The eldest guard asked.

"Y-yes I am... Do you mind telling me where is he?" Jungkook swallowed thickly.

The younger guard took a newspaper from their drawer and gave it to him. Jungkook truly is puzzled when he received the newspaper. What the heck is going on? Why are these guards look at him as if he is a weirdo or something? Isn't this Jimin's house? He kept biting his lips while thinking as his eyes landed on the headline. What happened next made a downright chills to his entire body.

Co CEO of a gaming company found critical after a huge car crash

"Holy shit... This can't be happening..." He blurted out. Both of the guards gave a sad glance before going back to their respective work. Jimin is in the hospital and he didn't even know... What kind of friend he is to let his best friend suffer from an accident?

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