Chapter 10(Doompocalypse)

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Due to my maid's diligence in gathering information and capturing monsters of the previous world and the lack of unique excitement that the world offers making it a not so entertaining fast tour I decided that we should go to the next world that she has on her list.

"Through this rift we shall enter a world similar to Earth-112. The world we enter may differ everytime we enter it" Turi.

"I see, well then... Let us enter it!"


As we enter the rift we arrive in what looks like a very damaged rooftop of a building. Hmm, this building indeed has a unique shape however it is awfully very sturdy.

I walk around the rooftop and I then realized that this building is located on an Island near the city. The city infront of this building can only be describe as a total wreckage. The buildings of the city are all destroyed and I cannot see a single living being alive within there.

However I do sense living beings within this building's island. I look down to see humans sitting there. Some of the humans have cybernetic body parts and some have normal body parts.

"Master, It seems that this world had already been destroyed by being proclaiming himself as a god. I sincerely apologize as to bring master into this world that has no more redeeming qualities for a tour whatsoever" Turi.

She bows her head to me showing me that she is really sorry as to bring me here. Hmm, I understand that you are very loyal to me and will always try to give me the best but I do think that this place still has some redeeming qualities.

"You not need to apologize. Every world is unique, and their uniqueness is their redeeming quality. So rather than judging by the cover we must judge from the inside. And to do that we must first meet the inhabitants of this world"

"Understood master" Turi.

We descended down slowly through the air to meet the humans below. We had a talk with the humans by starting with asking them what had happen to the world. They answered and told us that it was the fault of an alien name Dark Seid that proclaims himself as a god, I am guessing that this Dark Seid is the self proclaim god that Turi have just mention.

"Would you all like me to restore your world?"

"Restoring the earth would be nothing but wasteful and stupid. Dark Seid had already taken 1/4 of earth's magma resulting in shorting earth's lifespan considerably. And that is nit to mention that we are probably the last humans on this planet" Black man.

"You are indeed correct, however when I say restore I did not mean rebuild what has been lost. What I mean by restore is to make this world good as new" Neo.

"No being other than a God could possibly do that, however I cannot say what a god is now" Black man.

"Watch me"

I snap my fingers and the desolate island we were in is now full of life. Plants, insects, and other life forms have been revived. The unique shaped building is reapired back to shape making its shape look like the letter "T".

Teenage children appear in costumes that could be describe as their armor. They all were in a confuse and shock state since they are all have just been revived from death, however I did not only restore this island.

From the deepest part of the world's core and onto the surface of it was restored back to its usual self. The broken and wrecked buildings of cities were restored to their prime. All the living beings that has exist and lived in this world were revived.

"And thus I restored your world to its prime in a snap of my finger"

"As expected of Master!" Turi.

The humans and aliens cybernetic body parts disappears and replace's them with their original body parts making them look like they have just been reborn.

"H-how did you?" Alien with an S.

"No need for details alien, I've seen it all. Although I always make multiple of myself watch over other worlds intresting scenarios I've never thought about intervening with those scenarios themselves"

I look around and it seems that this earth looks way more beautiful than Earth-112, perhaps its because I have just reborn this world anew. I wonder what kind of tour does Turi plan on giving me here.

"Alright, since I've restored this world.... Turi!"

"Yes master!" Turi.

"Start the Tour!(⭐▽ ⭐) "

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