Chapter 3 (Bells of flames)

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I and Turi cross the rift arriving on to the another world.

"This is world-136, Master" Turi.

"136 you say?" Neo.

Well, i did forgot names of worlds I watched after around a 100. If I remember this world.... 136's gods and goddesses have names similar to other gods in other worlds.

"I am familiar of somewhat with this world, less details would be great" Neo.

"As you wish Master" Turi.

As of now me and Turi are in the backalleys of the city of Orario. The city has a tower in the middle of it, that tower is a dungeon.

If i remember correctly this city's economy revolves around the loot from that dungeon.

"The gods here as master already know has the same names of many other gods in other worlds" Turi.

"And the gods in this world seek enjoyment, fun, and entertainment. Thus the gods now have created familias and use them to gain followers. And those followers will serve the god they follow in exchange for them to get stronger by the god's power" Turi.

Truly this world's gods are also one if not many be the embodiment of the 7 Deadly sins combine into one.

I feel sorry for this world's mortals.

I remember watching this world back in my space of nothingness, the gods in this world can only be describe as devils wearing the mask of an angel.

Walking down the backalley a few men in raggedy armored clothing surrounds us. Ah, i forgot that this world also have lots people that are lower than low.

"Oi, you know how it is" Bandit 1.

"HA HA! Money or your life" Bandit 2.

"I choose.... Your life" Turi.

Turi then cut off his neck instantly with a kitchen knife in her hands, where did he get that kitchen knife? Perhaps it came from one of her skills.

The other bandits could not react and Turi decapitate all of them except one.

"EEEK!!" Bandit 1.

The bandit that was being all high amd mighty thinking he and his group can best us is now a terrified muscle brain idiot infront of us.

Turi then lift his head with her hands and put her knife on his throat ready to slice him anytime.

"Turi, you're being to rude to him don't you think?" Neo.

"But master..." Turi.

"Skinning him-"

I snap my fingers and skin began tear off from his skin starting from his head.


"Alive is the more polite way" Neo.

"As you wish master" Turi.

Turi then skinned him alive leaving not a single flesh behind. What Marvelous way for a bandit to die.

"Alright, now back to the tour" Neo.

"Yes, Master" Turi.

Getting out from the backalleys of the city and into the market it seems like a very big change if I have to say.

The atmosphere here is pretty busy, many were shoting their products here and there.

"Hey you miss! How about you try one of this delicious fried potato!" ???

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