Chapter 23 [ Mistake and Fear ]

Start from the beginning

With Adelliana in Margaret's arms, they both exited the bathroom with a face of relief as if they have returned from a war.

They both flinched when they saw Ares, sitting on the bed waiting for them with a face of a thinker.

Ares was still pondering on what Adelliana said earlier.

[ Will I work till the day of my death? Will I be able to relax, knowing my daughter will eventually marry a guy some day? What would happen if my wife actually throw a divorce paper right to my face? She did say something about divorce last month- if we divorce, Adelliana will naturally want to go to her mother and I won't be able to see her again!! ]

"I will leave you with his grace, I tell someone to bring you warm milk later."

Margaret puts Adelliana down and close the door softly, trying her best not to make sound. Once Margaret is nowhere to be seen, Adelliana pounced on her bed and grab Ares' white shirt.

"Daddy!!!" She yelled loudly to catch his attention and to her success, Ares did snap out from his worried thoughts and turn his attention to her.

"You're done?"

"Yep, I'm all clean and comfy!"

Adelliana rolled on her bed and cheered happily.

"Daddy, I want to hear a story!"

Adelliana stood on the bed and hugged Ares from behind.

"What kind of story?"

Adelliana was in silence. She didn't expect him to agree that easily. Usually, from a novel/webtoon logic, the protagonist's father would reject the ideas, saying it was childish and does something else.

Heh...did she accidentally gain another powerful supporter of her life?

"Uh...a love story!!! Both mommy and daddy's love story!!!"

It's not like she wanted to bring back their miserable love past, but she just wanted to tease him a little, she knew he won't tell her anyway.

"But it's not interesting, we just happened to marry due to political matter."

Adelliana blinked.

Ares also blinked.

She blinked twice, he blinked thrice.

She blinked twice, he blinked thrice

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[ hUH? ]

[ What the heck?!!! Ares must have been possessed by a ghost or else he won't respond so calmly!!! What about the main protagonist?!!! Female main protagonist?!!! Where is she?! Is she dead?!! ]

Many more thoughts ran through Adelliana's little head. She was trapped in the confusing world.

"It's boring, so let hear something else."

Before Ares changed the subject to anything else, Adelliana's gossip radar caught that.

"No! No! Let's hear it! I wanna know it!!!"

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