Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A/N: Wow, turns out I'm super bad at keeping my word. I'm really sorry, thank you to everyone who reminded me to write, it was the encouragement I needed, so thanks. I have been reading all of your fantastic reviews, and I'm happy you guys like this story! Without further ado, chapter eleven!

Oops sorry, quick note, I know my grammar isn't the best, no one's editing this but me so if I miss something that doesn't make sense, sorry!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters.

James let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding and set back in his chair. Everyone in the crowded kitchen of Grimmauld place was silent as they looked at the space when 3D older Harry had just been.

"Well," James spoke, breaking the silence, "looks like we're crashing here till further notice." His attempt to lighten the silent mood of the room worked as Mrs Weasley came out of her stupor and summoned a quill and a piece of parchment with names on it.

"Oh yes, we'll fit you in with the other children," She said as she started scribbling names and words on her parchment and started muttering to herself, "Ginny and Hermione in there, but then maybe add Rose, Roxanne, and Molly...oh yes, and Lucy, Lily, and Dom. Oh but are there enough beds, hmmm. Oh, that will work... Hugo, Ron, Albus, James, and Harry, but then Fred and George and Freddie. Oh, but will that work?" Her ramblings continued as conversations picked up around the room.

James looked around at his cousins, and many of them were having hushed conversations of their own. Many looked worried while others were attempting to keep a composed look, and the rare few were joking around. James, on the other hand, was doing his best not to freak out, he hadn't realised how deep in shit he really was, and his father's message was a real wake-up call. James tried to drown out his panicking thoughts of reality by listening to one of the conversations around him.

"It's so weird seeing Dad without any scars across his face," Victorie whispered to her sister.

"I know, he looks so young too, nowadays he has lots of grey hairs" Dom replied.

"Don't let him hear you say that," Louis said, poking his head in between his sisters, "remember that time Mum pointed out the grey hairs, and he locked himself in the bathroom trying every charm he knew to get rid of them."

"Wait," Freddie interrupted, "that's true?! I thought Dad was joking when he told me that."

"Very true, my dear cousin, very true," Louis responded, his sisters rolled their eyes at their idiotic brother and cousin, "He thought having grey hairs would wreck his cool look."

"Cool look?" Vic said with scepticism.

"What?! According..." At this point, James had utterly zoned out of listening to the conversation, and his mind turned back to his thoughts. What was going to happen, what if his stupid mistake had gotten his family stuck in the past? Even worse, the past that is on the brink of war. James was drowning in his guilt, and his thoughts threatened to engulf him.

His worry must have shown on his face as his brother shook his shoulder with a look of concern.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah," James replied with a sigh, "just lost in thought, you know?"

Al gave him an understanding look, "You want to talk about it?"

James' mind froze and on instinct replied, "Pfft, since when have we been ones to talk about our feelings?" he attempted a goofy smile, but instead, it looked more like a grimace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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