Chapter 2

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August 11th 2019 11:42 AM

Albus Potter was not a happy teenager. He had been drenched head to toe with green goo then with water all just to be set right with a drying charm. All of these uncomfortable changes happened on account of his older brother James bloody Potter. Albus was still seething as he entered the kitchen with his oldest brother Teddy.

He stepped into the kitchen to find his father humming and bustling around the kitchen. His father was the chief cook in their family of six, Ginny, did not inherit her mother's ability in the kitchen.

Today was Albus' mother's birthday. Today she would be, thirty-eight. Albus had seen his mother earlier in the morning when she was having breakfast in bed and unwrapping presents from her four children (she considered Teddy, her son) and her husband. After that, Harry had kicked them out to give Ginny another birthday present. Albus shut his eyes, trying to rid himself of the mental image of what sort of gift his father would need to provide his mother behind closed doors.

The Potter parents were, to put it lightly, passionate people and their relationship had not dulled in the many years of their marriage. Albus had found them snogging in many different places throughout the house, and he had since learnt to always knock before entering a closed or locked door.

Albus shuddered at the mental images again as they threatened to enter his brain. He turned his thoughts towards happier things, like what food was there going to be for the big Weasley birthday lunch celebration.

"Hey, Dad, what're you making for mum's lunch," Albus asked Harry.

"Oh your Gran's bringing most of the food, I'm just making some casserole and treacle tart."

Albus' stomach rumbled at the mention of his favourite dessert.

His father chuckled, "Yeah, you know it's my favourite too."

The floo roared to life, and Albus heard people stumbling out of the fireplace. He turned from the kitchen and raced back into the main hall to be the newcomers.

Albus arrived by the fireplace to see his Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione were there Scorgifying their ashy clothes. Rose and Hugo popped out of the fire a couple of seconds later. Uncle Ron moved in the direction of the kitchen, and as he passed Al, Ron hugged him and ruffled his hair. Aunt Hermione did the same and followed her husband into the kitchen after hugging Al and kissed his cheek.

"Wotcher Al!" Hugo said with enthusiasm! "Do you know where Lily is, or what's for lunch, or both?"

"Hey Hugo, yeah, I saw Lily earlier I think she's up in her room and you'll have to wait until Gran gets here to find out what's for lunch," Albus said to Hugo.

"Cool, thanks!" Hugo said as he ran away from the fireplace and up the stairs and took a right at the top, the direction of Lily's room.

"What's up Ro?" Al finally asked his cousin, who had been leaning against the fireplace reading the massive book she had brought with her. Al tried to tilt his head to get a glimpse of the title, it read, Hogwarts: A History - A Revised Edition by Hermione Granger.

Upon not hearing a response from his bookworm cousin, Al tried again, "Really, Hogwarts: A History, again?!"

Rose appeared not to have heard him as she had her nose buried in her book. Al decided to make the most of the situation, "Alright then Rosaline, guess I'll have to go play with James..."

That did the trick, Rose's wand was in her hand faster than you could say Quidditch, her head snapped up and her face contorted in anger, "If you value your life, you'll think again before calling me Rosaline next time!" She seethed

Al backed up a few steps, raising his hands in defeat, a smirk playing his features, "What? Only Scorp can call you Rosaline?" he teased.

Rose's wars turned red, and the signature Weasley blush covered her face. She opened her mouth to respond, but the fire once again roared to life. This time, a pale blond figure stumbled out of the green light and landed flat on his bum.

"You called?" The pale boy squeaked, a rosy tint coming to his cheeks, from his position on the floor.

"Hey, Scorp." Al chuckled and held his hand out to help him up.

Scorpius took the offered hand gratefully and rose to his feet. He brushed himself off and turned to look at Albus, "Hey Al," he turned again towards Rose. The rosy tint in his cheeks returned in full force and a goofy smile formed on his face, "Hello Rosaline!" He leaned over and kissed her blushing cheek.

Al raised his eyebrow at Rose at the use of Rosaline. Rose just glared at him over Scorpius' shoulder.

Scorpius began to pull back from Rose after kissing her cheek, but Rose had other ideas as she suddenly dropped her book on the floor, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a full-blown snog.

Al grimaced and looked away, not wanting to see his two best friends going at it, not wanting to stay in the same room as the snoggers because decided to run up the stairs to see how Lily and Hugo were spending their time.

Al reached the foot of the stairs only to have the fireplace flare green and spit out a stocky red-head and a brunette. Uncle George and Aunt Angelina picked themselves up and came face to face with the snogging teenagers who had migrated to the couch, Scorpius on top of Rose.

Aunt Angelina was about to clear her throat when Uncle George held up his right hand to stop her. "Well, well if it isn't my second favourite niece, ickle-Rosikins!" He paused for dramatic effect as the couple was still locked together, "Oh and what's this, Rosikins in a compromising position with GASP Scorpius Malfoy!" George said in mock shock, a hand placed over his heart at the dramatic reveal. "And here I thought you two were just friends, I mean I don't know about you, but snogging partners doesn't classify as a friend. And here I thought Rose was a walking dictionary!"

Even Aunt Angelina stifled a laugh at the last comment. The snogging pair had finally decided to come up for air at that point and were shocked by their audience. Scorpius picked himself off Rose, blushing furiously, smoothing down his blonde hair. Rose, on the other hand, looked at her uncle with a glare.

"Can't you see I was in the middle of something?!"

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