Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

A/N: Bit of a jump back in time but back to 2019, if that makes sense.

August 11th 2019 1:30 PM

Ginny Potter was having a great birthday, or she was until her family arrived for her birthday late lunch. She had just come downstairs in the kitchen where all of her family was waiting. Ginny glanced around the room to find her husband and found him talking to her youngest older brother. She walked up towards her husband and pecked her brother's cheek as she passed him.

"Good afternoon, Ginny," Ron said to her.

Ginny hummed in response to her brother and finally reached her husband. He had a goofy smile on his face that made her feel like she was fifteen again. Not caring that all of her family were there she pulled him down into a kiss, deepening it when she felt him about to pull back. She faintly heard the clearing of someone's throat behind her. She thought it was finally time to greet everybody instead of snogging her husband in front of them.

They broke apart, and Harry said "Hi," still grinning.

"Hey," she said breathlessly.

"Quite the hello," he said, "thought you would have had enough from this morning." He smirked.

At this point, Ron thought it time to break in, "Hey mate, don't really want to hear what you did with my sister this morning," he nervously chuckled. "I mean, I know you've been married for ages, but she's still my sister."

Harry just laughed, and Ginny sent her brother a glare before turning to the rest of her family. "Hello, Mum and Dad!" She said to her parents and gave them each a hug. They looked a little uncomfortable at the display that had just happened but hugged her back nonetheless. Ginny then gave her brothers and their wives a hug and a kiss on the cheek as she made her way around the kitchen. All of her brothers wished her a happy birthday, and she smiled being in the presence of her family.

"Where are the kids?" Ginny asked, having returned to Harry's side and tucked herself under his arm. Ginny's arm snaked around Harry's waist and pecked him on the cheek before turning her attention to her family, awaiting an answer to her previously asked question.

"Oh, they're all upstairs, said they heard something from upstairs," Bill replied, taking a seat next to his wife at the kitchen counter.

Ginny just shook her head, "What has James done now," she said, "I'm honestly surprised he hasn't blown up his room this summer!" The room chuckled in response except for Percy, who still acted like he had a stick up his arse.

"Should we check on them for you, dear?" Her mother asked with a warm smile.

"No, it's alright mum, we'll find out what they did when we finally have this lunch," Ginny replied.

"Oh that reminds me!" Molly said and jumped up from her chair at the counter, "I need to get the chicken out of the oven!" She quickly rushed towards the oven where Harry and Ginny were standing and shooed them so she could take the roast chicken out of the oven.

"Ronald, could you get the children down here?" Molly asked her son, levitating the chicken towards the dining room where the rest of the food was already laid out.

Ron grumbled but complied and went to leave the kitchen, "Harry, mate, come with me? Lots of kids to wrangle," He said to Harry with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Harry sighed and pushed off the counter he was leaning against, with Ginny and kissed her forehead before nodding to Ron, and they both left the kitchen.

On the way up the stairs, they discuss the latest quidditch match between the Holyhead Harpies and the Chudley Cannons.

"Mate, the Cannons almost had them!" Ron said.

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