Twenty: Guidance

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"Tell me you have something," Lieutenant Marcus said as he burst into the conference room in the same exact fashion he had last time.

Han and Orion shared a look. Orion gave him an encouraging nod.

"I do," Han said carefully.

The Lieutenant took a seat. "Okay, spit it out."

Han had thought hard about what details to include and what to withhold. He knew he wasn't being the obedient soldier he should be, and maybe eventually he would tell them everything, but only after he was sure Sidney would be safe. 

"The target does have power," Han said. "She was definitely the cause of the spike. It's some kind of generational magic. It's been passed down her ancestors, to her. But, she's unaware of it."

"So she's not going to use it against us?" Marcus asked.

"No, no. She's safe."

"But there's a danger that someone else might get to her, harness her power for themselves."

"Yes. There is that danger. So I think I should stick with her. At least for now. Until we're sure she's safe. She's an innocent, we know that now."

"A powerful one," Marcus interjected.

"I think until we know exactly what Orsini wants, she needs a protective detail. I can help with that."

"Special Agent Han, Orsini is interested in many things all the time. She can't be our sole priority. He's up to bigger things, things we have to deal with."

"I understand that, but--"

"You are too useful an agent to waste any more time on this. You're off the case."

The Lieutenant rose to leave.

"Wait, just, wait!" Han said, jumping out of his chair.

The Lieutenant turned back to Han, his eyes wide with offense. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Han said, bowing his head. He caught Orion sending him a glare out of the corner of his eye. "I just, I think... we're missing an opportunity here."

"For recruitment?" the Lieutenant asked suddenly, raising an eyebrow. "The thought did cross my mind."

Han didn't want to recruit Sidney. That was the last thing he wanted to do, to drag her into this. But if it meant keeping her safe. If it meant he could be with her... Han couldn't believe how selfish he was being. "Yeah. I can recruit her. And, I'm already close to her. So, I think I'm the best person for the job."

The Lieutenant took a breath, then nodded thoughtfully. "Okay. You have two weeks. If she's not with us by then, we cut her loose, let her be. Do your best." With that the Lieutenant breezed out of the room.

There was a tense silence, and Han could feel Orion's eyes on him. "It's a good play," he said defensively.

"What's really going on here?" Orion asked. "Why is this so important to you?"

"It's not," Han said unconvincingly.

"Han," Orion said, his voice a warning. 

"You wouldn't understand."

Orion scoffed. "Really? You think I don't understand what it's like to want something you can't have?"

Han looked at him then, and clocked a sudden sadness in Orion's eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Orion asked. 

Han gave a nod. What else could he say? Turning back or giving up didn't seem like an option anymore. He was in this now, for better or for worse.


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