Chapter Four Long Expected Party

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Gandalf left to write Elrond a letter which left Bella alone with Bilbo.
"Frodo and I used to pretend we were on one of your adventures. Now I can't believe I'm going with you," Bella said.
"You can't tell Frodo about our trip. It's best he doesn't."
"But he's my brother even if not by blood," Bella protested.
"Bella, he's not ready to leave the Shire yet but you are," Bilbo said.
"Am I going to see him or any of the hobbits again?" Bella asked.
"I believe you will. You are very young for an elf. Which is also why they will probably treat you like a child in Rivendell. Now if you do wish to come with me, I am leaving tonight, so go pack your bags and be ready to leave," Bilbo said to her.
"But when are you leaving?" She asked. Bilbo smiled as he filled her in on his surprise.

It was finally time for the grand celebration to begin. Every hobbit in the Shire came, invited or not. Drinks and food was all around and never seemed to run out. There was dancing and music as Bella came down. Bella was leaning against a fence post, taking in the sight. This could be her last night in the Shire...
she then was greeted by Merry and Pippin, whom she assumed was up to no good. She said hello and Pippin left to do something while Merry looked at her. She thought Merry liked her when they were younger. Bella wanted to say something but knew she couldn't.
"You okay?" Merry asked.
"Yeah just a lot here. Are you two planning a stunt?" Bella asked Merry as he grinned.
"No, are you planning something?" He said back.
"No...We'll always be friends Merry no matter what happens right?" Merry raised an eyebrow.
"Of course. You sure you're not planning anything?" He asked as Bella shook her head.
"Maybe deciding what dessert to throw in your face later," Bella grinned.
"As long as it's pie,"'Merry replied. Pippin then came running back and grabbed Merry.
"Come on, we'll be late!" He said as he noticed Bella. Bella crossed her arms.
"Do I need to go warn Bilbo or Gandalf?" She said as the hobbits looked at her.
"Course not Bella," Pippin said as he stuck his tongue out. She wanted to say something to him too... but instead she stuck out her tongue at him.
"Tooks are trouble!" She teased.
"Hey you're named after one of us, you're practically related," Pippin said back. Bella shrugged. He was right. Pippin then drug Merry off with him as Bella saw Frodo at a table with his friend Sam. Bella joined them as she found a seat.
"What are they up to?" Frodo asked. Bella shook her head.
"No idea," she replied as Sam waved hello. She spent some time with them before Bella began to fidget as Bilbo's speech was drawing near. Frodo noticed.
"You okay Bella?" He asked. She really wanted to tell him. She had thought of what to say .
"Yeah I'm fine," she started to lower her voice.
"Remember earlier? Bilbo told me," she whispered as best she could. Frodo's eyes widened.
"I think I'm going to find out more," she said with a smile as Frodo returned it. He gave her a hug.
"I'm so glad you must tell me all about it!" He said as he let go.
"Don't worry, I will when I can," she said. Frodo then noticed Bilbo in the crowd. Bella then saw the Sackville Baggins and pointed them out to Frodo.
"Oh no I better go help him," Frodo said as he left the table. Bella stared after him. Sam was dancing with a girl as Bella snuck off. Their time to leave would be soon...

Bella was snooping around the many tents and then caught sight of Merry and Pippin in the fireworks tent. Oh no, Bella thought as she followed after them. But it was too late. A very large firework exploded and took the tent with it as it went flying. All the hobbits were startled as the dragon firework came around at them. It had scared Bella so much she fell onto the ground as she saw a very burnt looking Merry and Pippin lying down where the tent had been. The dragon firework soared around and then turned into several more fireworks as everyone began to cheer instead of run. Bella got up and saw Gandalf going after Merry and Pippin.

After everyone calmed down, it was time for Bilbo's speech. They had brought out the biggest birthday cake Bella had ever seen, near the stage they had set up. Bilbo began his speech as people cheered when he said their names. Suddenly he grew very quiet, and Bella knew it was time to head to Bag End. She had caught a glance from Frodo and she tried to show her emotion to him through it as she snuck behind a tent. Then she heard everyone's shocked responses as Bilbo disappeared. Bella ran as fast as she could to her only home. But Bilbo and Gandalf were already there and seemed to be arguing. She waited outside until they calmed down, or at least their voices did, she had heard something about a ring to leave to Frodo. Bella didn't care, Frodo was Bilbo's rightful heir anyway... She opened the door and saw Bilbo with his traveling gear already as they looked at her.
"Ah Bella, just in time. Get your pack," he said with a pep in his step. Bella looked at the both of them.
"Am I really going?" She said.
"Yes. Though Elrond may be a bit upset at first, he is usually level headed," Gandalf said as the wizard looked at her.
"Well thats good to know," Bella muttered. She still felt bad for leaving Frodo, Merry, and Pippin. But she went to her room to get her things. She had secretly written a letter to Frodo, apologizing for leaving so suddenly, but he would know why. She placed it on her nightstand where he would find it. She figured Bilbo would be suspicious if she directly placed it in Frodo's room. She took one last glance at her bedroom. Bilbo's room was closer than Frodo's that was down the hall. It has been a very happy home for her. She felt a strange feeling of nostalgia and excitement for what was waiting for her out in the world. She stepped by the kitchen before meeting them both back in the living room. Gandalf stared at her.
"Are you alright?" He asked. Bella nodded as she glanced around.
"Yes just taking one last glance at my first home," she said smiling at Bilbo. Bilbo smiled back.
"We do have good memories here didn't we?" Bilbo said.
"Yes. I'll still consider you my stepdad if that would please Elrond," I said.
"I'm just trying to say." Bella started.
"You're still a dad to me," Bella said with a smile as Bilbo hugged her.
"You're still the daughter I took care of, the baby Gandalf brought in little blankets." Bilbo then hurried into his room for minute, leaving Bella confused. But he came back with a gray blanket and handed it to Bella.
"This is what Gandalf brought you in the night we met. I want you to have it" Bilbo said. Bella gladly took the blanket. Bella looked down at Bilbo and hugged him again.
"Thank you." Bella let go as Bilbo was on his tiptoes.  Gandalf looked at them.
"Well you two better head off before Frodo comes here," he said. Bilbo nodded. Bella said goodbye to Gandalf and headed out first. Bilbo lingered a moment and talked to Gandalf before coming out humming a tune.

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