Chapter Seven Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir

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I woke up again sometime later and found myself starving. I saw someone had left some food on a tray by my bed and I ate it gladly. I think my last meal was at the inn. I suddenly felt much better. Then I saw another elf but I didn't recognize her. She had dark hair and was the fairest i has ever seen. I raised an eyebrow.
"Arwen?" I said unsure as she nodded her head. She said something elvish as she came up to me.
"It's so good to meet my little sister! Yes I am Arwen. I finally have another girl to talk to here," she said grinning.
"I'm glad to meet you too," I said as she hugged me, careful of my shoulder.
"It's okay," I said letting go.
"It took Father a long time to heal you."
"It was that bad?" She nodded slowly.
"But you're better now." I nodded my head, not sure what to say.
"What are my, our brothers' names?" I asked as her face lit up.
"Elladan and Elrohir, they're twins. They should be here soon," she said.
"Are elves really immortal?"
"In a manner of speaking. But you can become mortal," she said.
"Really? How do elves become mortal?"
"It is difficult to explain. But you need not worry about that right now. You just arrived. I'll tell father that you are awake now," she said as she left. I was alone again. I tried to do more than just sitting. I pushed my blankets off, and grabbed my shoulder with my left arm as I put one foot on the ground, wincing slightly. I took a deep breath and stood up. I felt a light sweat on my brow as a voice startled me.
"You're doing well," Aragorn said as I looked up. I got a little lightheaded and stumbled. He became alarmed and caught me. I looked up into his eyes.
"Thanks," I gasped.
"You're alright?" I nodded as he let go. Elrond then walked in. He looked from me to Aragorn.
"You're doing much better then," he said, eyeing Aragorn.
"Yes father. I was tired of sitting."
"You shouldn't push yourself," he replied.
"I'm fine."
"Perhaps you'd like some new clothes? Then maybe go for a short walk," he suggested.
"That would be great." Aragorn turned to me.
"I'm glad to see you better, my lady," he smiled as he left. I returned it. Elrond watched him leave before he came closer.
"Your brothers should be here tonight," he added.
"Really? Can I see them tonight? Please?"
"I suppose if you are still awake, and prepare for trouble," he grinned.
"Trouble? What kind of trouble?"
"Oh, your brothers like to pretend to switch places with each other. Drives everyone crazy," he said slightly smiling.
"Oh. I hope I can keep up." The talk of brothers reminded me of Frodo.
"Father, can I send a letter to Frodo? I consider him a brother as well," I pleaded. He took a moment.
"I suppose... but you can't write anything too important in it in case it falls in the wrong hands."
"Don't worry I won't. I just miss him." Elrond smiled softly.
"I know it will take time to adjust. Bilbo said you loved the Shire but felt the call to travel as well," he said as he put his hand on my good shoulder.
"Yes. He said Frodo wasn't ready to leave just yet. Guess I was."
"And now you're home," he smiled widely.
"Now we'll make you look like a proper elf and I'll show you around a little," he said as he got a maid to help me. He left for me to change.
Of course I put on a green dress with golden trim and they braided my hair so lovely. I tried to talk to them but they didn't say much. They gave me a pair of shoes. It had been so long since I've wore a pair, my feet had become accustomed to no shoes like the hobbits. I started to miss my hobbit friends dearly.
"Something the matter my lady?" She asked me as she finished my hair.
"Oh just uh, missing the Shire," I was afraid to say homesick since this was my home. She nodded.
"It is difficult to change and leave your past behind," she said.   
"Yes it is," I said quietly as she left. Elrond came back.
"You look lovely," he said. I smiled. He walked up to me and grabbed my good arm and led me out. The elves around stopped and stared at me as I walked with him. I looked at the ground. Then I heard little footsteps and smiled.
"Bilbo!" I exclaimed.
"It's so good to see you up and about Bella! Oh right, I should be calling you Farrien now," he said. I looked at Elrond.
"You can still call her Bella if you want Bilbo. You raised her after all," he said with a slight smile.
"So where are you two headed today?" Bilbo asked.
"Oh just a short walk and hopefully my sons will return to see their sister," he said.
"Oh those two? That'll be a fun reunion to watch," Bilbo grinned.
"Would you like to join our walk?" Elrond asked.
"I'd be honored sir," Bilbo said as he started to follow behind us.
"I'm going to write to Frodo," I said to Bilbo.
"That would be good. I'm hoping the Sackville Baggins didn't cause too much trouble for him..."
"I think Frodo can handle himself. Remember how we used to wrestle each other?" I laughed thinking about the memories. Elrond raised an eyebrow. Bilbo shrugged as Elrond looked at him.
"I think that was because he got upset that you were always taller than him," Bilbo said.
"Well I couldn't help that," I said grinning.
"No indeed," Bilbo said as I then heard horses' hooves racing and turned around. Elrond quickly grabbed my arm again and stood in front of me defensively before the two riders arrived. They looked like younger clones of Elrond. Elrond sighed.
"Oh great, your brothers are here," he said as he relaxed. One of them shouted at us as he stopped his horse.
"Hello father," he said.
"Could you have at least slowed down before you ran your sister and myself over?" Elrond groaned as Bilbo faced us.
"And me!"
"I did slow down father, otherwise I would have run into you," he said with a wink at me. The other brother walked his horse to us.
"Just once, can you two behave? Don't you want to set a good example to your sister?" He said as he motioned at me. The first rider looked at me.
"Okay sis, some advice. Father hates us racing in town. So we have to race elsewhere," he said. I tried not to laugh as I saw how I irritated Elrond was.
"I'd gladly race you brother, once I learn how to properly ride that is. All they had in the Shire were ponies and I quickly got too big for them to ride," I said.
"Challenge accepted," he said as he hopped down.
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Elrond said to him.
"Right. I'm the eldest and the smartest, and Elrohir over there is just okay, and Arwen is a daddy's girl," he rattled off as I laughed.
"I'm just okay?" Elrohir said as he got off.
"You two are old enough to be her grandfather in human terms, can you please act like it?" Elrond sighed.
"Right sorry. I forgot to dye my hair gray before I met her. I'll start again," he said as he suddenly hunched over and stuck out his hand.
"I am Elladan son of Elrond of Rivendell. At your service dear sister," he said as I took his hand.
"Nice to meet you. My name's Bella, I mean, Farrien," I said.
"It is an honor, Bella Farrien," he looked up and winked. Elrond was glaring at him. Bilbo was trying his best not to laugh. Then I saw Aragorn and Arwen walk up behind them. Arwen said something elvish before running up to us.
"Hello brothers! Did you make father angry yet?" She teased as they turned to her.
"I was almost there Arwen," Elladan said.
"Can someone teach me elvish please so I know what's going on?" I asked as they looked at me.
"You don't know any elvish?" Elladan asked me. I shook my head. I had seen letters in some of Bilbo's books, but I couldn't read it, let alone say it.
"Sorry no. I wasn't raised as an elf. Just like a hobbit," I said, looking down.
"Don't worry, father will bore you with lessons soon," Elladan said.
"They're not boring! It's preserving our culture and heritage," he sighed.
"Right yes. It's not like we could just ask Mirkwood over there Elvish if we forgot," he said.
"Don't you two need to take your horses to the stables?" Elrond said as Elladan looked at his brother.
"I guess that's our cue he needs a break brother," he said as they started to walk their horses away.
"We won't be long sister," Elrohir said to me.
"I'll talk to them father," Arwen said as she left.
"Those are my brothers?" I said.
"Unfortunately," Elrond said.
"I can't wait to race them!" I exclaimed as Aragorn came closer.
"Oh no," Elrond replied.
"Looks like you'll get along well," Aragorn said.
"I hope so," I said.

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