Chapter Eight Family Dinner

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Since I wasn't tired yet, my father decided we could have our first family dinner together. He of course sat sat the head of the table, his sons to the right of him, and Aragorn, then Arwen and myself on the left. Bilbo sat next to me. The food was the most I had ever had or seen. Elrond gave a speech because of my arrival and he raised a glass as we all did. It was sweeter than anything I had in the Shire.
"So what's the Shire like? I bet you always had to duck your head with ceilings," Elladan asked.
"Oh well, yes I did have to but not as much as Gandalf," I grinned thinking of the times he hit his head in Bilbo's hobbit hole.
"What is he doing now? I know he sent Aragorn but haven't seen him since," I said as Elrond looked at me.
"Wizards have their own business. He merely helps when he can," he said. Arwen whispered in my ear
"So he can't tell us," she said.
"So he's only around when it's important?" I said aloud. Elrond sighed.
"Not necessarily."
"Wasn't he the one that left me with Bilbo?" I asked, suddenly turning serious. Elrond closed his eyes then opened them.
"I'd rather not discuss this now," he said, giving me a stare that made me not want to ask anymore questions. Elladan then began asking me questions about the Shire, which I answered gratefully, but i still wished I could have talked to my father more directly. I began to grow tired, and I think they started to notice. Elladan offered to walk me to my room, and I agreed as I said goodnight to everyone. We started to walk together when I saw Aragorn and Arwen talk closely together. I felt a tinge of jealousy. Elladan must have noticed.
"If you're wondering, they were a couple, but not anymore. Not for a long time," he said as we walked further.
"Did father not approve then?" I asked.
"It's complicated. An elf giving up their immortal life for a human marriage is no small feat," he explained.
"So Arwen said no?" I asked. He stopped walking as we reached my room.
"They broke up mutually."
"Well thanks for walking me back," I said.
"Thank you for coming home sister," he smiled.
"I cant wait to learn how to ride properly," I said.
"Neither can I. You have much to learn," he said as he gave me a hug and left.

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