Chapter Twenty Seven My Mirkwood Prince

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A couple days passed and people continued to arrive. I finally saw Frodo and talked to him, but he still needed rest: he was hurt badly. At least Bilbo could see him too. My father became more restless, even I noticed the change in his behavior. Then we heard word that Legolas would be arriving any minute now. I was anxiously waiting in the stables when I heard galloping hooves enter Imladris. I hurried out to meet him. I saw him arrive on a fine steed, and once he saw me, he smiled. I bowed as his horse stopped and I took his reins. I heard other footsteps behind me.
"Legolas, welcome," I said with a smile as he dismounted.
"My lady Farrien, it is lovely to see you again," he smiled.
"Likewise my prince," I said as he turned his horse forward.
"Prince Legolas, welcome!" I heard Elladan say behind me. Of course they wouldn't leave us alone. Legolas greeted him as he begun walking with us. We took his horse to the stable as he talked to my brother.
"Have the others arrived?" I heard Legolas say.
"Mostly. Still waiting on a few," Elladan said. I sighed. I still wouldn't know who all is coming... I then saw Aragorn tending to his horse as Legolas put his in a spare stall. I felt my ears burning as Legolas greeted Aragorn like an old friend. Elladan left to tell father Legolas was here.
"Legolas, how is Mirkwood?" Aragorn said.
"A bit dull without me there," he smirked as Aragorn laughed. Indeed, I then felt pity for all the poor servants tending to just Thranduil...
Legolas and Aragorn talked for a while until I saw father return with Elladan. He put on his best face as he greeted my betrothed, but I could tell he was tired. He shook Legolas' hand.
"And how is your father?" Elrond asked.
"Still the king of Mirkwood." More the king of strict rules I wanted to say.
"Come and we will show you to your rooms," my father said as they began walking. I wondered if my father would ever treat me like one of them...

 I wondered if my father would ever treat me like one of them

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