Chapter Thirty Five Gandalf's death and Lothlorien

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We managed to escape outside the mines. But at a terrible cost... we had stopped briefly as the hobbits cried. Tears were falling from my face as well. I put my arm around Merry as he tried to consol Pippin. I glanced up as Aragorn shouted we needed to move on. Legolas looked crest fallen.
"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir spat back.
"Alright... come on Merry, Pippin, better go," I said as I blinked back tears. I shared a glance with Legolas as Aragorn led the way.

We arrived at Lothlorien. I was anxious about meeting my grandmother I only heard tales about, and was soon going to meet her. I wish I wasn't covered in grime, blood and tears for our first meeting, but so be it. The escort took us in and we arrived to see Celeborn and Lady Galadriel herself. We bowed before them.
"Where is Mithrandir? I very much would like to speak  with him," Celeborn said. Then she spoke as I blinked back tears.
"Ten members started on this quest, and now only nine remain," she said.
"Gandalf was slain by a balrog in Moria," Aragorn explained.  Celeborn's eyes softened.
"He did not die in vain," Galadriel said. She then looked to me.
"And now Elrond's youngest has arrived. I will send word to your father that you are alright," Galadriel said aloud. But I heard her voice in my head.
"You have many troubles for such a young elf... you love a mortal yet engaged to our kin..." she said in my mind. I bowed my head.

We rested, but I was restless in this strange place, so I went exploring. I stumbled upon Galadriel as she stared at me.
"Come young one... I have something to show you," she said as I found myself following.
She led me to a clearing that had a water basin.
"Come. It can show you things," she said as I went up to it. I was sucked into visions... one of the Shire burning... my father and siblings in trouble... of Frodo using the ring.. and Aragorn being slain in battle.. I screeched and fell backwards.
"It is only possible futures. Only one will come to pass. You must chose which one."
"How can I choose my own future?" I asked as I stood up. She smiled.
"You have joined this quest... that is the start." I started to walk away from her. I've had enough.
"You can choose your ultimate quest, Farrien. The one of your heart." I stopped in my tracks.
"How do you even know about that?" I spat back. She smiled.
"One only has to observe what's there child."
I hastily made it back to where the others were. Aragorn noticed me first.
"You alright?" He asked.
"I do not like this place.... I am too restless," I said.
"But she is your kin. We must rest here," he said.
"Fine, but I'll rest better on the road."
"Farrien, you need rest," he said. I stood up.
"I'm going to rest somewhere else," I huffed.
I walked a while away before I heard someone behind me.
"You shouldn't be alone," Legolas said as I sighed and turned to him.
"We're in a safe place alright? I can wander if I want," I spat back. He stopped right in front of me.
"This place does strange things to some people," he said.
"You can say that," I said. He grabbed my hand.
"Come. Least let me show you around," he said as I found myself following him.
We stayed for a few days as we regrouped and got new supplies. Lady Galadriel wanted to give us some gifts before we left. Gimli got three strands of her hair. She gave Legolas a fine bow.
"And to you, daughter of Elrond, a compass that points to where you need to go or are needed most," she said as she gave it to me. It was made of gold and I thanked her.
"May you chose wisely and follow your heart," she said in my head.

Note: I might expand this chapter at some point in the future. It's just this for now.

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