Chapter Thirty Four The Mines of Moria

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I finally opened my eyes and saw Aragorn. Thank goodness we were rid of the snow but I wondered where we were as I tried to sit up. He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Take it easy. You've been out a while," he said as I rested back on my elbows. Legolas came to us quickly.
"My lady," he said with a slight bow.
"How long was I out?" I asked.
"Almost a day," Aragorn said as my mouth gaped open.
"A day?" I squeaked.
"Yes. The snow nearly took you," Legolas said grimly.
"So where are we?" I said as I looked around.
"The mines of Moria, except Gandalf can't remember the password," Aragorn joked.
"Wait, so did you carry me here?" I asked as Aragorn nodded.
"Oh, sorry," I muttered.
"We don't leave anyone behind," he said as I smiled. Then my head turned as I heard Gandalf give a cheer of delight as a great stone door opened, revealing the mines. Gimli was ecstatic. I then began to stand up when Legolas quickly offered me his hand. Aragorn almost did but the elf beat him to it. The prince handed me a piece of lembas bread as I didn't realize I was starving and I thanked him.

I lingered by the entrance a minute as Frodo was by me. The others entered first. Then I thought I heard something in the lake.
"Do you hear that?" I asked Frodo. He gave me a puzzled look before the wind was knocked out of me and I was being dragged away by a giant tentacle! I screamed as I was being held upside down, blood rushing to my head. I turned and saw Frodo was snatched as well.
"Aragorn, Legolas, somebody help!" I yelled as I tried to reach a dagger, anything. But the tentacle's grip was too strong for me to move much. It was a giant squid thing that was holding us captive. Finally someone managed to cut me down and I was falling. I was caught by Aragorn.
"Thanks," I gasped as I saw more tentacles flying by. He gave a quick smile before taking me to the entrance of the mines. Legolas was shooting arrows at its head. Boromir went toward it and cut Frodo free. Gandalf yelled for everybody to get inside.

I gasped for air still as I caught my breath in the mines. It was so dark Gandalf lit up his staff.
"Are you alright?" Legolas asked me.
"Yes. I'm not fish food now," I said as Gimli laughed.
"Wait until you see the great halls. We shall have a grand feast and a royal welcome!" He beamed.
"I'm not so sure Gimli," Gandalf said as we all looked around.
"Stay quiet. It is a four day journey to to the other side of Moria. Hopefully our presence will go unnoticed," Gandalf said as we started to walk.
I heard some crunching noises as I dared to look down at the ground.
"Ugh, tell me that isn't what I think it is," I murmured. Indeed it was bones. The hobbits gave yelps of surprise too. At least I had shoes on.
"This is no mine. It is a tomb," Boromir said. Aragorn and Legolas stayed close to me as I shared glances with them.

We quickly hurried and followed the path until Gandalf could not remember which way to go. So we rested while he tried to remember and talked to Frodo. Gandalf remembered as he stood up and we followed him.
"When in doubt, always follow your nose," he said. We went down the path till it led to a grand hall. Gandalf stopped and risked a little more light as I gasped at the sight. Rows and rows of columns followed.
"Behold, the great realm and dwarf city of Drarrowdelf," Gandalf exclaimed. We continued on until there was a room and we investigated.
"No!" Gimli cried as I then saw the tomb. I put my hand on the hilt of my sword, looking at Legolas.
"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, lord of Moria," Gandalf said as I looked at Frodo. Balin was one of Bilbo's friends. Gimli cried as I tried to put my hand on his shoulder. Gandalf found a journal and read it aloud. It was what happened before the dwarves died. Suddenly there was a crash as Pippin touched something. It fell with a thundering crash as it echoed down. Gandalf turned on him as he shut the book.
"You fool of a took! Throw yourself in next time!" He snapped. Then my ears started to hear the beating of drums as we soon weren't alone. I glanced at Pippin who was looking down at the ground. Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas went to the gate. A few arrows went past their heads as they hastily shut it.
"They have a cave troll!" Boromir said as I got my bow ready.
"Stay behind Bella," Aragorn said to the hobbits. The hobbits pulled out their little swords as I braced myself. The door was banged open by the said cave troll. Legolas and I sent arrows at it. Gimli yelled and hacked his ax at it. Goblins came out and Boromir attacked them with Aragorn. Aragorn got too close to the cave troll. I yelled his name as he was thrown across the room by the troll.
"Aragorn!" I screamed. I raced over to him and made sure he was still alive. He was just unconscious as I then saw the troll made it's way to Frodo. I tried to make it in time, but the troll stabbed Frodo.
"No!" I yelled and so did Sam. Merry and Pippin then grew angry and attacked the goblins. I raced over to Frodo when the troll left him, thinking he was dead.
I was stunned past believe when Frodo was just gasping for breath and had no wounds.
"How? You should be dead!" I gasped. Frodo then pulled up his shirt to reveal mithril underneath.
"Bilbo," I smiled as I thought of him.
"That is a kingly gift," Gimli said as we then returned to the battle. Aragorn had come to and looked over at Frodo and me. Legolas finished off the cave troll.
"Come we must make hast! To the bridge of Khazard Dum!" Gandalf said as we hurried after him. I heard strange sounds and saw distance flames ahead and heard a loud howl, even Legolas was afraid.
"What is that?" I gasped.
"A balrog. A demon of the ancient world. This for is beyond any of you. Run!" Gandalf said as we did.
We came to stairs but Boromir almost slid off them as Legolas caught him.
"Lead them on Aragorn. The bridge is near here," Gandalf said.
"Gandalf," I said.
"Follow Aragorn. Swords are no more use here," Gandalf said as he turned and left us. Legolas and I jumped our way across. Boromir had two hobbits as he made his way. Arrows started to find us so Legolas and I fired by as the others made it over. Only Aragorn and Frodo were left. The stairs started to collapse. Aragorn held Frodo as they had to lean forward with the falling stairs. They jumped at the last minute. I grabbed Frodo. We were all on the other side of the bridge, except Gandalf.
"You shall not pass!" Gandalf screamed as he raised his sword and staff against the creature of flame. My father wouldn't believe his eyes if he was here. The creature screeched against Gandalf's magic. Gandalf said the same thing again.
"Go back to the shadows!" Gandalf yelled as he raised his sword and staff again. Light pierced the balrog.
"I am a servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The Dark fire will not avail you, flame of Undun! Go back to the shadows! You shall not pass!" Gandalf stomped his sword and staff onto the bridge as the balrog screeched. It tried to take a step, but the bridge started to collapse. I gasped. I thought Gandalf would be alright. The balrog fell. I almost sighed as Gandalf turned his back, but the foul creature's flame whip cracked and grabbed hold of Gandalf. His sword and staff fell from him. Gandalf reached for the edge of the bridge. I screamed.
"Gandalf!" I heard myself and Frodo scream. He looked to Frodo.
"Fly you fools," the wizard said as he let go. I screamed as I felt someone grab me and took me away. Aragorn was holding onto Frodo as Legolas held me back.

Note: sorry if this was a bit long, but it had to be done. I may make a second book that follows The Two Towers and Return of the King so it doesn't get super long.

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