Part 11

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Harrys POV

    Its not always fun to always be right you know. This is one of those times, as I predicted it was a long day. Our appointment wasn't until three so the rest of the morning was spent with those four arguing about how much of what we're having. Being the "amazing" mates they are and never want me to be alone in the mornings, they decided to follow me around as I busied myself with cleaning and organizing the house. Running around to the point of me needing to sit down I make my way to my office, I close and lock the door to make sure they don't follow me in. I go over to the bookshelf and grab the current book I'm reading, I start to feel the babies kick. 'Don't worry loves Mommy will love you no matter what you turn out to be and so will your fathers, they're just so excited that they cant help themselves but argue over who's right, who's the favorite even though I think we can all agree your guys favorite is Quill, or who will be the first word. Your Daddies are just excitable and even though it drives Mommy nuts it's cute to see how much they care about you. Now how about we continue our book?' I ask them while rubbing my tummy I make my way over to the couch and start to read aloud.    

    'As they traveled down the dark wooden forest...' I stop as Quill starts to rub against my arm trying to gain my attention. 'What is it, luv?' I ask him and he takes off to the other side of the room landing on the grandfather clock. I check the time seeing that if we don't leave shortly we'll be late 'Well babies, thats it for now. We have to go to our appointment and put an end to your fathers bickering.' I say as I get up, setting my book on the small table next to the couch. 'Come on Quill.' I call him once I regain my balance, he flies down and lands on my shoulder as we make our way towards the door. Once I opened the door all you could hear was the four of them still going at it, rolling my eyes I make my way towards the sound to get them so we can leave. 'Guys?' I call to them but being so engrossed in their debate they don't hear me. I try again a little louder this time and get the same result. I look at Quill who is in turn looking back at me just begging me to let him at them. I sigh and nod to him just wanting to be on time. He lets out a loud screech making all of my mates cover their ears and start to whine at the sudden high pitched sound. He stops after a few moments of tormenting them, standing even taller on my shoulder proud of his accomplishment. They uncovered their ears and looked like they were about to go at it again but I stopped them having wasted to much time to get their attention. 'Come on boys we got to go to our appointment or else we'll have to wait another month to find out the sex.' with that being said they all race for the car. Rolling my eyes I waddle my way after them, leaving Quill at the door and telling him to come to me only if its an emergency. I give him pat on the head and lock up the house getting a beep of hurry up from Louis. I was ready to kill him here and now! "LETS GO!" Niall yells from the car grumbling under my breath I made my way towards the car only to be met with. You guessed it, more arguing.

    After a grueling car trip to the pack house we make our way inside and to the pack doctors quarters. The entire way receiving congratulations from other pack members while my mates quietly debate behind me. I sign in and go over to the seating area to wait, the boys decide to sit on both sides of me making me be in the middle of the extensive argument. My eye twitching the entire time and hand on my tummy rubbing circles on it trying to keep myself from snapping at their ridiculous behavior. "Harry Styles?" a nurse calls, getting up as fast as I can I make my way towards her. She takes me to a back room taking my height, weight, blood pressure and all other routine checks before the doctor comes in. The boys following the entire time mumbling to each other. "The Doctor will be with you shortly Harry." the nurse tells me with a smile on her face and leaves the room only for them to get back at full volume. 

    "Niall your so wrong its laughable!" Louis says, "Your not right either Lou we all know I am!" Zayn says, "No way I'm right..." Liam starts but I couldn't take it anymore and just snap. 'ENOUGH! YOU BOYS HAVE BEEN ACTING RIDICULOUS ALL DAY! ARGUING WITH EACH OTHER ABOUT WHAT WE'RE HAVING IS POINTLESS! NO ONE CAN CONTROL IT AND ALL YOU FOUR REALLY SHOULD BE HOPING FOR IS FOR FOUR HEALTHY BABIES NOT HOW MANY OF WHAT GENDER THEY ARE, UNDERSTAND! Now please just don't talk until the doctor gets here.' I tell them furiously, they go to make an apology but I give them a <don't test me right now> look and they all shut their mouths and the room falls quite. Finally! I let out a sigh and get comfy on my bed waiting for the doctor, feeling my babies kick against my hands causing a small smile to form on my lips. A knock on the door drew me back into reality, looking over I see its Doctor Blair. "Hello Harry, Boys, how are you today? Harry you look a little stressed is everything alright?" Blair asks, 'I'm fine Blair, just had to get these four back into place.' I tell her with a tired smile on my face. "Harry looking at your blood pressure its a little bit too high for my liking so I need you to keep from stressing as much as you can, I don't want to have to put you on bed rest. As for you four, stop doing stupid things that causes him stress. Understand?" she asks them and they give a nod in response. "Now lets take a look at these babies shall we?" We nod our heads excitedly. She puts the blue gel on my tummy and using the wand she finds the babies I look at the screen to see all four of my beautiful babies. "They look great and very healthy, keep up the good work Harry. Now, would you like to know the sex?" 'Please' I say. Sometimes it is fun to be right and even though i never told my mates what I thought we were having I had a feeling. "Congratulations you five your having two beautiful little girls and two handsome little boys." she says 'YES!' I yell as I turn to look at all my mates with tears in their eyes, overjoyed at hearing the news.

   It times like this where it is fun to always be right.

Hello World, 

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Did you expect that they were having two of both? Comment some names for the babies and what day their birthday should be. Thanks for reading!

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