Part 33

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Liams POV

Harry was passed out as the four of us woke up, without a single child in sight. With Anne, Robin, and Gemma staying with us its been much easier to take care of Harry as we know the pups are in good hands. Although they all end up in the room together some how never overwhelming Harry. Everly has basically become attached to Harrys hip as she's always concerned about how us, her siblings, and especially her mother feels, always wanting us to be well. Deeming herself as mommy's personal nurse, going so far as to even put up her closed sign at her doctors office which never happens. With Harry fast asleep we carefully sneak out of the room not even making a creek as anything could possibly wake up our exhausted mate. We let out a thankful sigh as we shut the door behind us glad he's still out cold. Walking down the stairs and towards the kitchen the sound of laughter grew, opening the door to the kitchen it reveals a food fight in the midsts.

I quickly duck for cover under the island while flour and batter flies through the air. The other three weren't as lucky as Cas and Theo spotted them right away making sure to cake them in a mound of flour. "Oh you two are gonna get it!" I hear Niall say as the three run after the boys with batter in their hands. "Poppy?" I feel someone pulling on my shirt, that someone turned out to be Paisley. She was covered from head to toe looking absolutely miserable. 'Whats wrong love?' I pull her into my arms as her dam finally broke and tears ran down her floured face. "I just wanted some pancakes, b-but the boys had to ruin it... like always. A-AND I don't know where Evie is! We were hiding together b-but then t-they caught us and s-she's gone." she explains hiccuping a couple times as she tries to calm herself. 'Okay love, enough is enough. I'll put a stop to this then just you, me, and Everly if she wants can go out to get some pancakes. Like a little Poppy daughters brekkie date, how does that sound?' I coo as her smile grows bright nodding her head excitedly. I place a kiss on her head before popping out from our hiding spot. 'ENOUGH!' I yell causing everyone to stop mid-throw, if Harry could see this kitchen I'm sure he'd have a fit. 'Boys I was told you started this, so I want you to help your daddies clean it up. Adults you should have stopped this not enable it! Now I'm going to take my girls out for some pancakes and by the time I get back I want the kitchen to be spotless and everyone to be fed. Finally, no one tells Harry unless you want your head mounted on the wall by him, capeesh?' they all nod as I finished my lecture of the day, grabbing Paisley's hand we walk out of the kitchen in hopes of finding Everly.

"Mommy you cant get out of bed!" I hear her panicked little voice come from behind our door. I walk in with Paisley right behind me as Everly's trying to push Harry back into bed while he waddled towards the bathroom. "Lovely, its okay for me to get up if I have to go potty and I really have to go." Harry says looking as if he might not be able to hold it for much longer. I sweep Everly off her feet and out of his way, he gives me a grateful smile before practically running into the ensuite. 'Babes when Mommy says he's got to go potty just let him go.' I chuckle out giving her a kiss on the head only to receive a pout. "But the doctor said no getting out of bed." she protests with her hands on her hips. 'Yes but the doctor also said he can only get up to go potty, take a bath, or if he really feels up to it to go to a couch for a change.' I explain as we made sure to ask Blair that question before we left. She looks at me skeptical before slowly nodding her head in understand-meant. 'Paisley told me earlier that you two wanted some pancakes before your brothers came in.' she nodded her head as she twiddled her thumbs. 'Well how about you, me and Paisley go out to get some? It'll be a Poppy daughters date! I'm sure Mommy would appreciate it if we brought him back some pancakes...' I tell her, Harry shouted "YES PLEASE!" from behind the door which got her to agree to our little date. Just the three of us!

With Harry being settled back into bed we give him a goodbye kiss telling him we'll be back with pancakes. I pull us into a little diner in the center of our little town, unbuckling the girls from their seats we walk in with Evie holding my right hand and Paisy holding my left. "What cute little girls you have." the hostess coo'd as we walked in, the girls showing off their brightest smiles from being complimented causing the hostess to coo more. "We're having a Poppy daughters brekkie date!" Paisley says beaming looking up at me as I smile down at her. "Well, lets not have you cuties wait any long to start your date." she says grabbing three menus and guiding us to our table in the back corner. The girls sit and start to color on their kid menus, happily chatting as they filled out the mazes. "Well hello cuties my name is Sarah and I'm gonna be your waitress for this morning! Can I star you off with anything to drink?" Sarah asked sweetly directing her cutie comment at the girls as everyone in this town knew I was mated and who my mates were. I order two apple juices for the girls and a coffee for myself along with three orders of plain pancakes with a fruit topping. She gives us a smile taking my menu and disappearing into the kitchen to place our order.

"Did you, Daddy, Abba, and Papa do this stuff with Mommy when you feel in love?" Paisley asked as she colored a flower purple going way outside the lines. 'We did, but our first date Mommy cooked for us.' I tell them causing them to snap their attention on me. "You made him cook?" Everly asked "That isn't very romantic." Paisley comments while Everly nods her head agreeing with her sister. I let out a chuckle at their responses thinking back that maybe it wasn't the most romantic thing we could have done to impress our mate. 'Well, thats what Mommy wanted to do. He made us sit outside while he cooked, scaring us when we saw him do his magic hands for the first time.' they giggle as they love the magic hands Harry whips up "But there so nice." Everly giggles out as I laugh along with them. 'They are but we didn't know that at the time. All we knew is we just found our fifth mate, moved into his house, and found out he has hands that float around. We were a little on edge to begin with.' I smile as the girls control their giggles causing them to die down. I told them a few other stories about our budding romance before Sarah came back with our beverages and pancakes.

I make sure to get Harry his pancakes before we leave as well as leaving a nice tip for Sarah as she was so sweet to the girls. Getting home the girls are to our room with me following them up behind them quickly. We open the door to see him resting one hand on the top of his large tummy and the other holding one of his many books he loves to read. Seeing us he sets the book down quickly before opening up his arms for us to hug him. The three of us engulf him in a hug as the girls hand over his pancakes. "Just what I've been wanting, thanks girls!" he says kissing them on the head and pulling me in for a kiss on the lips. He was about to take the first bite of his pancake when Paisley had to ask "Mommy, why do you stay with our daddies? They aren't very romantic and didn't make the best first impression." cocking his head to the side he sets his plate on the bed. I anxiously await for his answer as well because honestly I've always wondered. He gives us a fond smile before stating...

"My four prince charmings are perfect for me."

Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think of the Poppy daughter date? Should the others do stuff like this too? Should this be an only Liam and the girls thing? Would you like another chapter like this? Do you like the nickname Paisy? I'm not sure about it but I want her to have one because all the others have one, if you could leave some suggestions for her nickname I would appreciate it. Also comment what you want the twins to be and some name suggestions. Feel free to comment, follow me, vote, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!



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