Part 31

730 23 1

Harry's Mom, Liam's Pops, Louis' Daddy, Niall's Papa, Zayn's Abba

Everly's POV

'Papa?' I whisper as I sneak into their room trying my best not to wake up mommy. 'Papa?' I try again as I climb onto the bed climbing over Abba in the process. He just snored louder, I roll my eyes as I realize that I'm not going to wake him up. I plop down on his blanketed lap in a humph annoyed that he won't wake up then I remember whose the easiest to wake up. 'Daddy?' I whisper in his ear after I got off the bed and running around to this side causing him to wake up with a jolt. I place my tiny hand over his mouth muffling his sleepy questions. "What is it baby? Why are you covering my mouth?" once he's calmed down enough I removed my hand pointing at mommy whose finally fallen asleep. He caught my drift as he nodded and quietly snuck out of bed placing me on his hip.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked again once he shut the door. 'We're hungry, I came up because I didn't want mommy to wake up. The boys were going to prank you which would've woken up mommy and that isn't good for him or the babies.' I explain and watch as his tried eyes soften. "Thats very sweet of you baby. You're going to make an amazing doctor one day." he tells me 'You really think so?' "I know so babe!" he says going into the kitchen as Theo, Cas, and Paisley tackle his legs. "Morning pups! What do you want for breakfast cereal or cereal?" Dad asks walking us towards the pantry as that was the only thing he could make without setting it on fire. They all have mastered one thing to prepare for dad it's cereal, Papa can make tea, Poppy can make a great pb&j, while Abba can make toast. Soft padding could be heard down the hall as Daddy was pouring the milk into the bowls. Papa, Abba, and Poppy come in the kitchen as each of us tackle them in good morning hugs and kisses. "Morning Sunshines"(papa) "Morning babes"(Abba) "Good morning loves"(pops) they each say showering us in kisses. A yelp was suddenly heard from behind causing us all to look over at Daddy. "I didn't even touch that!" he whines as a pot on the stove was lit into flames.

"Evie?" Papa called me over once I've finished my cereal. I run and jump into his arms 'Yes Papa?' I ask snuggling into his warm embrace calming down instantly as I listen to the rhymes beating of his heart. "Would you be willing to go wake up your Mommy for us." he asked and it was only then I noticed everyone else was sitting around the living room. 'Why do I have to do it?' I ask "Well..." Abba was about to explain before the boys cut him off "They're scared if they go in and wake mommy up he'll be mad." Theo started "Plus none of us wanted to get his rathe so we volunteered you." Caspian finished. "Sorry Evie." Paisley says while all my daddies looking at me with pleading eyes. I weigh the options out in my head before reluctantly nodding letting them know I'll do it. I drop from Papa embrace and scurry off to their room, waiting behind it hoping their just exaggerating and its not that bad to wake Mommy up. I creep into the room after silently opening the door to hear the soft snores come from the bed. I crawl up onto the bed and cuddle up next to him. I set my head on his chest causing the melodic beats of his heart sooth my nerves. 'Mommy?' I say into the quiet room causing him to shoot up from his laying position and look all-around the room before his eyes finally land on me. He relaxes back into the pillow sighing in relief. "Good morning Everly. Is everything alright? Have you been fed? Did your fathers take care of you guys? Did they start a fire again? Did they send you up to get me because their afraid?" he asked placing a kiss on my temple once he was done. 'Morning Mommy and yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!' he chuckles at my answer causing his tummy to move up and down. "Lets go down to see your scared fathers." he chuckles hoisting himself off the bed not even bothering to get dress before going down stairs while I follow right behind him.

"So I see everyone is scared to wake me besides Everly." he says causing Papas, Abbas, Daddy's, Poppy's, Paisley, Theodores, and Caspian attention all to turn to him as the color drains from all their faces. "Good morning babies." he says crouching down to the floor so Cas, Theo, and Paisley can give him his morning hug which they are happy to do so. "Well babies I need you guys to get dressed mommy has a doctors appointment and I would like for you guys to come." Mommy says showing off his dimples, not wanting to argue we race up the stairs as we know our daddies are in for it. "Baby please just talk to us!"(Abba) "We love you so much!"(Poppy) "We didn't mean to upset you!"(Papa) "We aren't scared of you most of the time!"(Daddy) they each say running up the stairs behind a mad mama. He turns around and makes sure to slam their bedroom door into their faces and clicks the lock. Ouch he's really mad, poor Abba, Papa, Poppy, and Daddy they're going to have to do a lot to make up for this.

"Harry I'm going to have to put you on bedrest." the doctor said as she came into the room with charts in her hands. "Blair are you serious? Tell me your joking." Mama begged only for Doctor Blair to give him a shake of her head. "I'm sorry Harry but it's for your own good. Your blood pressure is through the roof along with your morning sickness being so severe you need to be put on it." she explains calmly. Mommy eyes just pool with tears as he panics "What about my kids? Whose going to take care of them? And my mates? Goddess only knows what would happen if they were left to take care of themselves. Blair there has to be another way other than bedrest." he cries as I go over and comfort him when he shoos his mates away still terribly upset with them. 'What if Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Gemma come and help while your on bedrest? We can sleepover there or they can sleep over here?' I suggest trying my hardest to get him to stop crying as it always makes me upset to see him cry. Thankfully my suggestion must have worked as the panicked tears came to a halt. "Oh Evie your a genius! Thank you love." he kisses my head before continuing "I'll give mom a call after our appointment is over but for now can I see my babies?" Doctor Blair nodded and took out a weird thingie and so goop. She plops some gloop on Mommy's tummy before placing the thingie on it. Suddenly a loud sound was echoing off the walls of the room, "Thats your siblings heart beats." Mommy tells us. The rest of his appointment went great and soon Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Gemma were called while Papas, Poppys, Abbas, and Daddies faces paled. I don't know why but they seemed really nervous, it was only Mamas family, they shouldn't be scared they should be excited like the rest of us.


Hello World,

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry that it was kinda boring, but what did you think of me doing it in the POV of one of the kids? Do you think Harry will be mad at Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn for long or will it pass? What do you want the twins to be? Please leave name suggestions along with what you want the genders to be! Feel free to follow me, vote, comment, check out my other Z.H.C.MP stories, or all four!

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