Part 10

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Harry POV

      I wake up and nearly hop out of bed remembering that today is the day of my five month check up meaning we get to find out what the babies are. I waddle my way into the bathroom to do my morning routine. When I looked into the mirror I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips looking at my tummy knowing my babies are safe and happy in there. I make my way quietly back into the room to change making sure I don't wake up the boys. Yes they learned their lessons but they still tend to watch me like hawks. I just got used to it although time to time I still find it unnerving. With luck on my side I make my way out of the room with my mates still asleep. "Good morning Quill, any letters today?" I ask in greeting while combing my fingers through his feathers. He looks over at my desk, making my way over to it I saw a letter on it. I open it to see its from my mom (weird why didn't she just call) shaking it off I proceed to open and read the letter. 

        It was an invitation to my own birthday party she was hosting. I slowly lower myself down on my desk chair and ring up my mom. "Hello Harry, I assume you got your invitation?" she asks 'To my own birthday party, yes I did. But why?'"I haven't been able to through you a party in years due to someone always being in need of your help. Plus, I had to beat your mates to it. Goddess knows they'd only try and fail to surprise you with something. You always seem to know." 'Because I hate surprises, thanks though mom I cant wait is there anything I can do to help?' "No, just bring yourself and your mates thats all I ask." 'Okay mom I've got to go and get cooking your grandkids are hungry.' "Okay bye I love you and my grandbabies." 'We love you too.' I hang up and slowly stand back up. 'Come on Quill, we have to get cooking.' I tell him as he flies from his perch and lands on my shoulder. Once in the kitchen he hops off my shoulder and onto the counter. 'Now babies what would you like to eat omlets, yogurt, breakfast wraps, pancakes...' after pancakes my stomach made a large growl 'Pancakes it is!' I tell them. I get out my ingredients to make chocolate and Banana pancakes. Some of them having to be levitated up onto the counter because if I went down to get them I wouldn't be able to get back up. Whisking everything together and pouring the batter into a large pan I wait for them to finishing cooking. While waiting to flip them Quill made his way over to me looking at my stomach. He's taken an interest in it over the past month, he starts to rub up against it. Giggling at the cute gesture he was doing I start to talk to my babies. 'Hey babies, I know your up I can feel you moving around. Your probably wondering who's rubbing against you and its not one of your daddies. It's Quill our owl, he's been my in my life since I was a teenager and is truly one of my best friends. He gives so much crap to your dads because he's protecting me but I know that when you arrive into this world Quill will become your best friend too. Isn't that right Quill' he nods his head 'He said yes. Also todays the day I get to see what you munchkins are so don't be difficult for the doctor, understand?' They give me kicks in response. 'Of course you munchkins won't be difficult your my babies.' I say with a giggle as I plate up the pancakes giving myself the largest portion. Hey, I'm eating for five here no judging! I seat the table and make my ways towards the stairs to get the boys up. 'BOYS BREAKFAST!' I yell and all the sudden I hear four bodies fall to the floor and run out the door. Not waiting for them to race down I take my seat at the table waiting for them to join. "Morning love, you look beautiful as always." Niall being the first to enter gives me a kiss on the forehead and takes his seat. "Morning babe, morning babies!" Louis being next gives me a kiss on the lips then one on my tummy. "Morning Gorgeous, thank you for making us breakfast you didn't have to" Liam says as he enters going my cheek a kiss and rubbing my tummy a little getting a kick in response. "Mornin' angel" Zayn says through a yawn barely awake. 

    During breakfast I try to test them to see if them remember what today is. 'So does anyone remember why today is such an exciting day?' they all pale and look at each other for help as to way today was important. "Ummm.... its the day you first started helping people?"(Niall), "Its Robins birthday?"(Zayn), "Its Gemmas birthday?"(Liam), "Oh I got it its your moms birthday so what did we get her?"(Louis), I laugh once they're done with their guesses causing a great deal of worry to come upon their faces knowing none of them got it right. 'No it has to do with our babies.' I give them a hint. They look puzzled for a moment but suddenly the light bulb goes off and they all ask "Are we finding out the genders today?" I give them a nod and huge smiles erupted onto their faces. "Yes, I hope we have all boys" Louis says, "No were having all girls." Liam states matter o'factly, "Sorry gent but I thinks its gonna be one girl three boys" Niall says, "No way Ni its definitely gonna be one boy and three girls" Zayn tells him. They all then burst out into an argument as to how many of what were having. 

This is going to be a long day....  

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