Song Translation 19: "Yuu" *title explanation on page*

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I'm mainly posting this to make ask or dare stuff less complicated (...don't ask. Long story).

So, the title is just a kanji character: 幽 (Yuu). It can have many different meanings and is overall harder to put into words than an actual word would be, so we run into some problems.

Judging by some of the words the Kanji is used in and the meaning of the song itself (stuff about individuality... and eyes), I think the best thing I can think of is "Confined."

However, take this interpretation of the title with a grain of salt. 

Though tbh, it's probably the hardest part to translate about this song XD

Yeah, surprisingly, despite this being based on MARETU's works, it does NOT have confusing lyrics.

Though I still needed Violet330's help for a few lines while translating this.

...though some of these lines are still just really obvious. "mata me o korasu"/"ano me o kirisakou" especially)

Update: Now has been corrected by Violet330.


Mukanjou na shousan aimai na joucho taida no hanran

Unfeeling praise, ambiguous emotions, a flood of laziness,


Mukosei to botsuga no hazama moumai shimin rakuin kenki

The interval between selflessness and sameness: Ignorance, lethargy, stigma, aversion.


"Owari yokereba subete yoshi"? (ha~a?)

"All's well that ends well?" (What?)


Tsuretekoi, amata no fujun na dokuzensha o.

Bring them along; those multitudes of impure, self-righteous people.


Sutetekoi, kako ya mirai no imi o. Douke no retteru o.

Throw it all away; the meaning of the past and future. That "clown" label, too.


Michi o migi ni magaru no wa anmoku no ruuru hidari wa sunawachi shi

Turning right on the road is an unspoken rule. Going left is, namely, death.


Ki ni itta peeji ni shirushi o tsuke sore igai no kamikire o yaburi suteru shigoto

I'll put a mark on the page I like- it's my job to tear up all the other pages and throw away the pieces. 


Hi-Di-Ho setsunaku koe sura dezu.

(Hi-Di-Ho) My heartrending voice won't even leave my throat.


Hi-Di-Ho tsutsunuke nara honeorizon.

(Hi-Di-Ho) If you won't pay attention, I'm just wasting my energy.


Ikitsuku saki wa doko? Aruku aruku iki tsuku hima mo naku.

Where will I end up? I walk and walk, without even a second to stop and catch my breath.


Nijimi susanda monotoon no yume o irozukete

Add some color to those rapidly blotting, monotone dreams.

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