Chanel #11

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A/N: I looked up Japanese High School Graduation ceremonies. And I am shook. Heck at the rate the canon story's progressing, who knows if their even gonna graduate. DON'T MURDER ME OKAY, THIS STORY'S JUST FOR FUN SO TAKE WHAT YOU GET AND GET OFF MY ASS. This is probably the second last chapter. But idk. Anyways, peace out babies!

2 years later: 

They were finally graduating. After 3 years of high school life and a whole bunch of adventures as well as misadventures, it was time for them to leave the school they loved and become the next generation of pro heroes.

"How you feeling ?" Shoto asked the over-excited green-haired boy standing next to him, barely able to contain himself.

"Words can't fucking express my feelings, Sho." Izuku gave him a pointed look, before grinning one of his blinding smiles.

"For all I know, you're gonna kill it out there, Deku."

"I could say the same to you, Shoto."

The taller boy laughed as he laced their fingers together, bringing their entwined hands to his lips, "I'm the luckiest person ever."

Izuku flushed red as he shoved him, "S-shut up."

He smiled back, before an explosion caught their attention. Katsuki was making fake gagging noises while Eijiro was rolling his eyes.

"Get a room you two. Disgusting." the ash-blonde sneered, but everybody could see that it was half-hearted. Katsuki was a big softie at heart and 3 years of living in the same building with the explosive pomeranian had revealed a lot about him.

"Silence, Bottom." Eijiro ordered, the other giving him an appalled look.

Shoto and Izuku were stiffling their laughter, as they watched Katsuki's outraged expression, until they couldn't help but fall apart, losing their breath from laughing so hard.

Katsuki gave them an angry look, but he couldn't say anything, Eijiro was technically right.

"YOU GUYS. GET YOUR ASSES TO THE AUDITORIUM BEFORE AIZAWA-SENSEI MURDERS US!" Tenya rushed into the common room, in a mad rush. 

It was still a bit surreal to see how chill he'd become from the rule-stickler, robot-hands upholder of the righteous person he was. He even cursed, which led to a lot of speculation. Yes, class A was a bad influence on him.

Shoto and Izuku exchanged challenging glances, as they rushed towards the auditorium, each using their quirks to see who can go faster, Katsuki following with Eijiro.

They made it with 2 minutes to spare, a giant yellow caterpillar giving them a murderous glare.

It was finally time to graduate!


"SHOTOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU'RE FINALLY READY TO CARRY ON MY LEGACY!" Endeavour didn't even try putting up his usual angry demeanour. He was too happy to care, barrelling over to his son to give him a hug when Shoto returned home that night.

Shoto cringed, leaning away, "Uh yeah.....right whatever." 

They'd made somewhat of a truce in Shoto's second year, though he still despised him, just didn't go openly Anti-Endeavour. Plus, he'd be running the Todoroki agency once Endeavour retired so there was that, though if he was being honest he'd rather start his own agency. Maybe he would in a few more years time.

Izuku was standing off to one side, eyeing his Tuxedo, wondering whether he was dressed fancily enough. I mean......this was Endeavour they were talking about, and that man had always been a bit too extra for his own good.

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