Chanel #10

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A/N: Hope y'all are liking the story UwU. School's being a bitch, but let's not bother bout that lol.

Shoto was lying on one of the many couches in the common room, watching as everybody arrived one after the other. He felt his face go hot when a familiar messy green-head walked down, clad in an over-sized red sweater, and he abandoned that activity to glare at the ceiling.

Ashido and Uraraka had organised a game night for the whole class to, in their words, "cool off after the stress of the week". Which was a swell idea, except for the fact that that this was the first time they actually thought of this, after almost 6 months of going through the same routine and they'd had a relatively quiet two weeks of school. Also, their excessively sweet smiles while inviting him was proof that they were up to no good.

"Move." A gruff voice ordered, Katsuki standing with his hands in his pockets, glaring daggers at him.

"No." Shoto smirked, as the ash-blonde growled, pushing him off the couch, "That was low, Bakugo."

"Shut up." Katsuki flopped onto the couch, Shoto picking himself off the floor and settling down next to him.

After almost 10 minutes of tense silence, Katsuki was the first to speak, "Hurt him and I'll kill you."

"I'm sorry what ?" Shoto gave him a confused look.

"Hurt Deku. And I'll kill you." Katsuki repeated, looking him straight in the eye, "Even a scratch on him. A single tear. I'll hunt you to the end of the universe and destroy you."

"Why would I-" Shoto would be lying if he said that the unexpected threat from Bakugo didn't intimidate him a bit.

"I've known the damn nerd from childhood. He trusts people easily. And that ends up with him getting hurt. I don't know you well enough to judge you, but if you hurt Deku in any way, you're not going to survive." Katsuki was serious, not even the slightest hint of sarcasm or anger. He spoke from raw experience, but he'd be damned if he let anyone else hurt Izuku. 

Shoto opened his mouth and shut it. This was so out of the blue for him to make sense of. The Bakugo Katsuki was protecting Izuku. It was way too surreal.

"Hi Kacchan!" Izuku waved from across the room.

"FUCK OFF DEKU!" Katsuki flipped him off.

A big question mark was hanging over Shoto's head. This made absolutely no sense.

"Why the sudden threat ? You treat him like shit anyways." He managed to blurt out, but he wished he hadn't when Katsuki's crimson eyes stared into his soul.

"The only person who's allowed to treat Deku like shit is me. If you even think about it, you'll be on the highway to hell. I'll even buy your ticket." His voice was low but hard, he meant every word that he was saying.

Shoto was completely sure that he was not going to be hurting Izuku in the next millennia, not that he ever intended to in the first place, "O........kay......"

"Good. Remember that and fuck off." He completely ignored him in 2.5 seconds, leaving Shoto questioning what the frick-frack had just happened.

The rest of the class was chattering away, the Baku-squad stationed around the room, ready for shit to go down. Mina and Ochaco entered the room with a covered basket, setting it down in a corner as Mina whistled for everybody's attention.

"Alright, Class 1-A ......and Shinso! Are we all here ?" She peered around the circle of couches, checking attendance as well as positioning of the squad. Everybody was here, except for Mineta who was taped to the ceiling of his room, courtesy of Hanta Sero.

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