• S E V E N •

Start from the beginning

He pulled his comforter from Ryder, who looked extremely adorable while asleep and threw it over Jake and himself as he scrolled through his phone aimlessly.

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They were on their way to the building, Ryder stating that Arius was Bucky Barnes.

"Like, I'm pretty sure it looks fucking cool, obsession with Bucky Barnes aside."

"What? No, nothing about that miserable twat is cool." Elijah said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

Ryder just laughed at him and he thought he heard her mumble something about "suspicious fixations".

They stepped into their English class where Miss.Baker had a baby stroller near her table with a bundle of pastel blankets in it. They were early to class as Elijah had woken them up at eight.
Miss.Baker held a baby in her arms, whispering sweet nothings into its ear and rocking it back and forth and finally placing it in the stroller after a few minutes.

The students had begun to file in one by one until the bell rang and they were asked to submit their assignments.
Elijah had ripped his assignment off of a book review website he had found online. He hated reading books no matter what kind and their assignment was based on a novel. He hadn't even bothered to process what he'd written down in his paper. Some nonsense about moon pies.

He noticed a shock of messy brown hair sitting two seats in front of him. He would recognise that hair anywhere. His mood dropped instantly, part of him pissed off at the boy's presence in the class and the other part, feeling bad for the predicament Arius was in. He knew most people hated it when they were pitied and he tried to refrain from pitying people as much as possible, but he couldn't help it.

Arius's hair was wavy on some days and curly on the others, Elijah had noticed. It always looked messy but he pulled off the look with ease. His frame was drowning in an oversized red hoodie today and Elijah realised that Arius had his arms covered at all times, now that he knew he was missing an arm. He was either wearing a full sleeved shirt underneath his tees or was covered in hoodies and sweatshirts. Oh and he also had a black knitted sweater.

Elijah's chest did that thing again where it would clench whenever the boy was in close proximity, immediately transporting him to the music room the previous day where Arius had stood so close to him, flushed with anger.
He watched as Arius whispered something into Viggo's ear and put his head on the table, probably going to sleep.

Miss.Baker was going on about something but he wasn't paying attention. He flipped to the last page of his notebook and started doodling. He studied Jake's profile, as he was sitting next to him and started sketching an animated, exaggerated version. He was nearly done with the hair when the bell rang again, signalling the end of their first class.

"One more class to go and we're done for the day." Jake said, as they waited for Ryder outside.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah man, it's Saturday today. We have classes only till noon. After that we're free to do whatever."

"What the hell? Why did I not know about this?" Elijah said, suddenly excited that they didn't have classes the whole day.

"Guys, what do y'all have now?" Ryder asked, appearing next to them.

"Well, I have astronomy."

"You're taking astronomy too Jake? That's cool. Elijah?"

Elijah whipped out his schedule from his bag, noticing that he had Art.

"Art class. My favourite!" He grinned.

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