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What is the difference between love and like? Is there a small, unexplainable void in between them, a deep ravine? So that from like, you fall right down the cliff into love? Or is it just that one morning you wake up, up just like that, you're in love.

I don't think I've ever been in love; not yet. But there have been times, where I wonder if I have been in love, or i just pushed my feelings away, because they were too childish, to foreign, to new.

Now, I scoff at the idea of being in love. Being in love doesn't just mean you love someone, it means that you've fallen into the pit of love, and there's no way of getting out. It opens you up to vulnerability, making you weak, longing for the person, who you're in love with.

And that all seems like a waste of time.

My mother always said to me, "only fall in love, if you have a ladder to get back up". I never understood what she meant but now, I understand. 

Don't get head over heels in love, don't make out with the wrong boys, don't love someone with all your heart, if they're not going to give it back.

But I did that, I loved my mother, but then she was torn away from me, leaving me helpless and alone. And from that day, I vowed to never love someone again.

Up until I met him.

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