//13// "Rescued"

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There's an ache in my gut. It takes me by surprise at first but then I realize completely what it is. I'm thirsty. And not for water. Soon, I'll do anything to get what I want. That includes lying to people I genuinely care about. Maybe even hurting them. With actions and words.

"Guys," I say, forcing their eyes up to mine. "Don't listen to a word I say in a few minutes. I might get violent, I might start trying to break free, I might start hurting myself, I might try to manipulate you. If it escalates, knock me out. Please, don't let me get free. And don't let me near any alcohol."

"Why are you telling us this?" John asks.

"Because I can feel it coming. Soon. Don't be idiots, okay?" I say, nodding at them.

Sure enough, the thirst increases. My eyes glaze over but in a good way. I can see clearer this way. I'm scanning the floor for what I'm looking for. I don't find it. Instead, I find Raven and John looking at me expectantly. Maybe they have some.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"You told us you'd get violent," Raven says.

I let out a laugh, shaking my head. "I was over exaggerating. You can let me go."

"Cam?" John says, standing.

"Yes, John?" I ask, smiling a bit.

He crouches in front of me. "This isn't you. I need you to fight it. I know you're strong enough. You don't need it. You're perfectly fine without it. Cam, please. Just let it go."

"John, you don't understand," I say, working on the knot of my ropes. My hands are also zip tied. I'll work on that later. Now I just need to distract them. "You've never had an addiction. I'm aching all the time. I-"

A sound outside. The click of guns loading. My head snaps in that direction, watching as a man walks inside. Marcus. Marcus Kane. He was on the Ark when we lost connection. He's also my father. His eyes find mine and he smiles softly. He can get me out of these restraints and to a bar. I smile back.

"Camari, why are you tied up?" he asks, rushing over and beginning to untie my binds.

"I wouldn't do that," John advises, making him stop.

"Shut up," I tell him, shaking my head.

"She has an addiction. She's an alcoholic. She relapsed yesterday," John says, nodding.

"He's lying," I say quickly, smiling at my father. "The Grounders tied me up. I don't have an addiction."

"Cam, don't lie," John says, frowning.

My eyes snap to his. "I'm not lying, John. This is my father and he'll believe me."

"Your mother struggled with addiction too," Marcus says.

I turn to look at him, keeping my expression soft. "We're not the same person. She was weaker than I ever could be. Now untie me."

"Camari, I need you to tell the truth," Marcus says, nodding and training his eyes on mine.

"I am," I say quickly, clenching my jaw.

He pauses, holding out his hand to the soldier behind him. "Give me the chloroform."

"What? No. Don't. Please, don't do this. I need to get out of here," I say, pulling against my binds. The plastic in the zip ties pierces my skin and I feel warm blood run down my wrists. "Please! Let me go! Don't do this!"

John is grabbing either side of my face to keep me still. "This is for your own good, Cam."

A clothe is pressed over my mouth and nose and I start to feel that slowing like when the red smoke was surrounding us. My eyes are heavy so I let them shut. My body relaxes from its wild movements as someone starts to untie me.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon