Dust: "Are you okay?"

Horror: "Yeah, thanks to you."

They looked at each other gently. Dust held out his hand to Horror to help him up. As he lifted his friend up, a blaster appeared and shot Dust directly to the back. He fell on Horror.

Horror: "Are you okay?"

Dust: "I guess. Not one blaster will break me........."

Horror: "What's wrong?"

Horror saw his buddy blushing. Then he got embarrassed when realizing for himself that their posture was unnecessarily intimate.

Killer: "Guys, there is no time to have sex right now. Come help me."

Both skeletons stood up and went to help their teammate.

A little further Dream tried to protect a silver apple, which just had appeared from the underground. He had a bow with arrow in his hand, which he pointed at Nightmare and Error.

Dream: "This apple is not for you and you know that, brother. It has lot of positive vibes, so it should be given to the one in need to get stronger. So please, let it be."

Nightmare: "It's full of negative energy too. It all depends on what kind of person eats it. It makes me so strong that I can destroy everything  I want with just a click of my fingers. Then I can get rid of my subordinates one by one."

Error: "What?"

Nightmare: "Shut up! Go take that apple. That weenie skeleton is just bluffing with his little plastic toy."

A groaning Error walked towards the apple. Suddenly he dodged the arrow which almost hit him. The arrow hit directly into Nightmare's tentacle.

Dream: "This weenie skeleton CAN use his toy really effective."

Nightmare started to snarl. He wanted to strangle his little brother. Dream continued shooting arrows but soon realized to be at a disadvantage. Being anxious, he grabbed the apple and pulled it off the root. He saw Ink, who had just knocked his opponents to the ground. Dream shouted to Ink to catch the apple and then he threw it to him. Before Ink had caught the apple, blue strings intertwined around the fruit and pulled it straight into Error's grapple. Ink didn't give up. He knocked Error's hand with his brush, causing the apple to fly in the air. The silver feelingfruit landed near Blueberry, who stopped to use his blaster when he noticed it. He tried to reach it, but then Cross kicked it further away from him. Everyone rushed after the rolling apple. Error got the fruit, but then Ink jumped on Error causing both to fall down. Cross jumped on Ink and then others did the same. Every Sans was fought in the same pile. In the battle a cloud of dust rose from ground, which reduced visibility. They were also so close each other that it was hard to see who was fighting who. No one had enough power to use weapons so they punched each other with their fists. Horror fortuitously found the apple and picked it up from the ground. Blueberry noticed it and jabbed fingers straight into Horror's red eye. The fruit fell to the ground again. Dream began to be desperate. He didn't know what to do anymore. Ink encouraged his friend with having an idea, but they had to get the apple first. Next Killer found the fruit. Blueberry tried to catch it from him, but he stopped because Killer pointed his knife at him. Dream was next to Killer and noticed the situtation. He wanted to help his friend so he sneaked behind his enemy and pulled Killer's pants down. Everyone stopped their fight and started to stare at Killer.

Killer: "What the HELL???"

Dream: "Im so sorry, but I run out of ideas."

Cross: "Dude, pull your pants up!"

Killer: "In moments like this I miss the time when I wasn't able to feel any emotions. This is so embarassing."

The fight continued quickly. Ink and Error managed to grab the apple at same time. They took turns trying to pull it to themselves, but both were equally strong. Nightmare didn't bother to fight. He watched angrily from the side as his henchmen seemed just to be fooling around. Suddenly someone grabbed his tentacle and pulled him into the fight. Somehow Dust got to crawl out of the cluster and saw the apple near him. Now he got an excellent chance to catch that damn fruit. The same apple was also seen by Blueberry who had managed to get out of the brawl. The enemies looked at each other before rushing at the target. Dust was slower at running so he took a bone and tripped Swap with it. Blue fell forward, but quickly got up and started to run after him. Murder teleported himself with his last powers to the apple. He had time to pick up the fruit from the ground until suddenly Blue jumped over him and pulled the hood in front of his face. Dust was so confused that he dropped the apple, which Blueberry quickly grabbed for himself.

Dust: "You fucking little sh..."

Blueberry: "Language!!!"

Dust was so angry that his eye began to glow purple. He got totally mad. He gathered all his energy and formed the sky full of sharp bones. Blueberry threw the apple to Ink, who stood behind him. Then Ink painted the doorway in the ground with his brush and told his friends to jump in. They managed to escape at the last minute before the bones reached them. Dust collapsed to the ground. He had given his all. Other Sanses wiped dust off their clothes. Nightmare told his underlings to line up. He checked everyones condition. Error had a gnarled wrist, Horror's eye was almost black, Murder had bleeding from a broken nose, Killer had been disgraced and Cross, well, his face was turned to black. Nightmare opened the portal and grabbed his clown flock with his tentacles.

Nightmare: "Error, you can walk."

Error: "Gladly."

They disappeared into the hole.

Run, my little skeleton (+18)Where stories live. Discover now