#05 - Baifern (2)

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- Still flashback to Metawin & Baifern's past -

The days continued but it seemed that the beautiful girl didn't give up on approaching Metawin.. On the other hand, Metawin kept trying to ignore her

"Hey Metawin!" said the girl cheerfully

He only glanced a little without answering.. Currently, he is studying in the library and this girl follows him wherever he goes again

Baifern swiftly took a seated position opposite Metawin and it seemed that Metawin was tired of arguing and let the girl sit there.

"What are you studying?" asked the girl again as she put her book on the table

"None of your business" Metawin replied briefly

"Aww, don't be like that to me.. I promise i won't bother you but don't kick me out, okay?"  she made a funny pout then continued her activities by opening a book and studying together with him there

Metawin just sighed in surrender and continued his reading activity regardless of the girl in front of him.. They continued their reading activities seriously

As time went by, the library began to be empty of visitors and only a few people left.. Metawin glanced at the clock on his phone screen and without realizing it, more than 2 hours had passed

Because he realized that he had been there too long, he closed his book and tidied up his belongings.. But when he looked forward, the girl sitting in front of him was fast asleep on top of her book

Without realizing it, Metawin stared at the girl's face for a while with a smile.. Then he stood up and took off his jacket, then he put it on the girl's back so that she wouldn't get cold

After that, he left the girl in the library.. There was a strange feeling that landed in his heart but he didn't know what it was

(Next day)


Metawin turned to the voice calling him and he already knows who it is.. Yes, of course that girl again

"Why did you leave me alone in the library?" The girl asked with a slight pout

"I don't want to wake you up" Metawin answered 

Baifern was a little surprised at Metawin's response which could be said to be very unexpected

"Wow you didn't scold me" she said still in amazement

"Why should I scold you?"

"Well forget it.. anyway, is this your jacket?" Baifern held out the jacket she'd been holding

"Hmm" he replied with a nod

Baifern was once again taken aback by this.. Metawin which is known to be closed and arrogant has a soft side

"What?" he asked her


Then she returned Metawin's jacket and thanked him.. But Metawin didn't talk much and just nodded

There was silence and they just faced each other but looked away.. Baifern felt a strange flutter in her chest, but who would have thought that also happened to Metawin

Suddenly Metawin turned around and cleared his throat briefly

"Have you had lunch?"

One sudden sentence made Baifern really surprised


"Forget it" he cleared his throat again and then left Baifern

"E-eh wait! Wait for me!" as if awakened from her daydream, she immediately called Metawin to wait for her

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