#10 - Sanan & Heide

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They walked through town and headed to the places Bright had listed.. Because Bright didn't work that day, he had plenty of time and accompanied Win all day

There are about 4 places that they have visited, but there is no place that wants Win to work there because of the lack of personal data and others

The next day, they are back looking for a few more job vacancies in the city.. They plan to visit 2-3 places today

There's a place that almost accepts Win to work there, it's a pretty big restaurant

However, who would have thought that the restaurant belonged to Win's former classmate and also a person who really hated him

For what reason? That's because his friend's girlfriend fell in love with Win back then.. And after that, Win became increasingly shunned by his classmates

Of course Win doesn't care about it and continues his day as usual

After finding out that this was his friend's restaurant, he immediately pulled Bright out of there as fast as he could.. He didn't want to be caught so soon

Even though Win didn't seem to really care about his surroundings, actually he was secretly paying attention.. That's why he was a little shocked when he saw the figure he recognized earlier

Bright was a little confused and asked what was wrong, but Win only answered modestly and Bright didn't ask any further

Because they feel tired, they decide to end their search for the day and plan to go to the Vanille Cafe for lunch there

They take about 10-15 minutes to get to the cafe.. Arriving there, they went straight in and headed to the cashier to order food.. At that time, Joss was checking the situation at the cashier and he saw them walking towards him

"Hey, did you guys get it?"

Bright shook his head softly then answered his boss, "Not yet, phi.."

Joss sighed softly then turned to look at Win who was standing behind Bright

"Sawatdee krap, phi" Win greeted politely

He saw their tired faces and he decided to give them something to cheer them up

"Okay, now, you two take a break and sit there, I'll bring you lunch.. My treat" he said while pointing to an empty spot by the window


"No buts" Joss smiled as he ruffled Bright's hair

Bright gasped slightly at the sudden action, while Win just watched them.. Bright held his breath for a while then smiled shyly at his boss

After that, the two of them sat down at the place Joss had said before

Win was busy looking out the window while playing with his fingers.. He was actually worried that someone would recognize him here, but Bright seems to think that Win is a little disappointed that he failed to find a job today


"Hmm?" Win turned his gaze back to Bright

"Don't worry, we'll definitely find a job for you" Bright said

"It's okay, Bright.. I should be the one to apologize for causing you trouble"

"Not at all, it's been a long time since I relaxed like this anyway" Bright chuckled

Win just smiled at Bright, he didn't think that finding a job was a very difficult thing and he was grateful because Bright was willing to help him

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