#04 - Baifern (1)

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At 7 pm, a car entered Opas-iamkajorn's residence.. It was Metawin who had just arrived at his house.. The driver dropped his young master at the front door of the house and then he parked the car in the garage

Metawin immediately entered the house and heard the voices of people talking with a little laughter from the living room

The owner of the voices seemed to come from more than three people, thought Metawin.. He walked into the living room and it was true that his parents were chatting with three other people.. The faces of the two people who are talking to their parents seem to have the same age, and there is one person sitting with her backs so Metawin can't see her face

Yes, she is a girl and Metawin thought maybe this is another scenario his parents are working on to get him married.. He sighed and walked over to them

"I'm home" said Metawin lazily

Suddenly all eyes were on him except for one person who was still sitting quitely while drinking her tea

"Is this your son?" a man who looked almost his father's age asked

"Yeah right, come here son" his father answered with a nod then turned to call his son

Metawin walked closer to them

"His name is Metawin, he is my only heir" his father said proudly

"Heir? Am I just an heir in your mind?" thought Metawin

"Say hello to them, son.. He was my friend in college and these are his wife and also his daughter.."

"Sawatdee khub" Metawin gives greetings

Then when Metawin faced the daughter of his father's friend, he stopped


"Hi Metawin.." the girl smiled at him, while Metawin still looked shocked

"You know each other?" her father asked

"Metawin and I were friends in high school" Baifern answered with a smile

"Wow, it turns out our children already know each other.. Isn't this a good thing?" Baifern's mother said happily to Metawin's stepmother

"Yes, really unexpected that they already know beforehand" Metawin's stepmother answered happily which was also welcomed by Baifern's mother

Metawin who heard that immediately diverted his mind and looked at his stepmother and Baifern's mother in disbelief.. He could already guess what they meant

He was told to sit with them, he couldn't help but obey.. Metawin answered Baifern's parents' questions by putting on a fake smile.. He was tired of all this and he just wanted to sleep

He tried not to look at Baifern, even though he knew Baifern was looking at him.. Then, not long after, the maid came and politely informed them that supper had been served for them

"Okay.. Let's have dinner first" Metawin's father invited his friend along with his wife and daughter to have dinner together

They headed to the dining room to enjoy the dinner that had been prepared.. Metawin's father sat in the middle while his wife and Metawin sat on his left side, and his guests sat in a row on his right

Metawin doesn't sit directly next to his stepmother.. There is an empty chair that separates them but he sits opposite Baifern indirectly.. They started to take their food and enjoyed the dinner happily

But one move from Baifern made everyone in the room stare at her and also Metawin

"Isn't this your favorite? Eat more.." Baifern took one of Metawin's favorite foods and spooned it into his plate

Both their parents looked at them with a smile and glances with specific intent

"You look so close that Baifern even knows Metawin's favorite food" Metawin's stepmother said and followed with a nod of approval from Baifern's mother

Metawin only looked at Baifern with a disgusted look and then only thanked her flatly.. He continued eating without paying attention to everyone at the table

After they finished dinner, Baifern and his parents decided to go home.. They thanked Metawin's family for the dinner and then they got into their car.. But before Baifern got into the car, she called Metawin

"Metawin, see you later.." Baifern said with a smile at him, then got into the car afterwards

"There's no other time for us"  Metawin thought

Baifern's car drove out of the mansion and returned to their house.. After that, Metawin entered the house and was followed by his parents, who again stopped his steps

"Metawin" His father called.. He stopped walking and turned to his father

"Be nice to Baifern, she looks like a very good and educated woman.. Perfect for you" His father continued

Metawin chuckled with hatred.. What? Baifern? He knew her better than anyone and it seemed that his parents had been bewitched by her mask

"I choose my own partner, so don't ever force me to be with that woman" Metawin said firmly

"Metawin!" his father snapped

"Calm down, dear.. Let me handle it" his stepmother calmed his father

Metawin just snorted in annoyance when he saw his parents then turned and went up to his room.. After that, he immediately cleaned himself and calmed his mind while playing classical music in his room

While he was taking a shower, suddenly the old memories came back to haunt him.. His old memories with Baifern and he hated remembering it

- Flashback to Metawin & Baifern's past -


Metawin, who was walking, stopped for a moment and turned to look at the person who had called his name

He saw a girl running towards him while smiling and waving at him


He was silent and stared confusedly at the girl.. He didn't remember knowing this girl, but why did she know him, he thought

"Metawin? Why are you silent?" she waved her hand in front of his face frontally

"Sorry, but who are you?" 

"Aww you don't remember me? We're in the same class"

How could he know, even he didn't care about his surroundings and chose to be alone

"Hey, it's okay.. It's natural that you don't remember me.. It's still the second day we become classmates"

It's true, thought Metawin.. But even so, he still had no intention of getting acquainted with his classmates

"Anyway, my name is Baifern" the girl introduced herself

"Metawin" he just nodded and introduced himself as well even though she already knew his name

"Because we already know each other, now we are friends, okay?" she said very cheerfully

"Friends? You approached me for money, right? Come on, I'm tired of things like this" he thought

"I don't need friends"

"Huh? Why?" she asked again

He just sighed roughly and turned to leave the girl

"Hey! Wait!"


I miss wattpad so much 😢

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