
200 10 10

Started: October 8th 2020

Wow guys, I can't believe I'm doing this. This was a spur of the moment description, a fly away thought that one day I grasped and began to look into more. I was staring at Musically Me, what I feel is one of my most successful Ninjago creations, other than Greenie's Puberty Tragedy, and I suddenly felt unsatisfied. Eighteen chapter. Eighteen chapters of cheese and nonsense. So I picked it up and tossed the first version aside before getting onto my device and started working. I have some ideas for improvements and I really hope that this new version goes well and I don't run out of steam.

This will be a little different and I am making some major changes to the book so I hope you don't mind to much.

Please be patient, I'm working on many other stories and things on WattPad and in real life but a little polite nudge sometimes makes me happy that someone wants me to continue.

There will be a playlist but please don't judge on my song choices. You're reading a Lego fanfiction about a show a six-year-old boy watches so I don't think anyone can make any offence without looking bad. Save us both the embarrassment.

Well, I am off now! This thing has officially begun!

LuckyBugBooks 🐞

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