'Teleportation?' said Aldric. It sounded far-fetched. 'Are you serious?'

'Relic retracement,' Floyd corrected him. 'Completely against the law. People misuse it. The fact that the more times you are revived the weaker you become does not seem to put people off. Only idiots would do it on purpose.'

When they reached the house, the first thing they needed to do was to get Raiden upstairs so he could sleep it off. To Aldric's surprise, Floyd brought out an array of nibbles and platters of drinks, more than what was needed. K pretended to be engrossed in Floyd's art but Aldric could tell that she found it all rather disturbing. He gave a sigh. They should have had loads to talk about but nothing was coming to mind. What do you say to the grandfather you never knew existed? Aldric's eyes were also drawn to the sculptures dotted everywhere and in the oddest places. There was even one stuck to the ceiling: an abstract figure reaching downwards, mouth wide as if screaming in a demented and tortured fashion.

A knock at the door broke the silence. Floyd jumped so much that he nearly dropped his cream cake. For a moment he looked confused.

'Who is it now?' He asked wonderingly. 'No-one ever comes round.'

'We did,' said Aldric.

'Maybe it's important,' Evie suggested as the door was knocked a third time. Floyd pulled himself up from the imprint he had left on his sofa and went for the door. Aldric listened as the door creaked open.

'Hello,' said a woman's voice.

'Err...hi,' Floyd replied, stunned. 'What brings you down here little miss?'

'I saw you on your way back from the caves,' she said, the door clonking shut behind her. 'Is everything alright? Who were those children?'

Floyd re-entered the room, the woman close behind him. She was slightly startled by the three younger faces staring at her. Floyd looked down at Aldric who was unnerved by his stare.

'Aldric,' he said. 'This is Winori, your mother.'

'No she's not,' said Aldric. How could she be? She was young, bold-eyed, slim-framed and amber-haired. She reminded Aldric of a startled squirrel.

'Anyone for more cake?' asked Floyd.

'I don't think this is quite the time,' Winori replied, her soft voice reminded Aldric of the one he had heard many times in his head.

"I'd like some cake," said Aldric, surprised at how angry he sounded. Cake wasn't something a normal person should get angry about.

Floyd dashed to the kitchen and K and Evie went to join him when the silence became unbearable.

"You probably have a lot of questions," said Winori at last but Aldric said nothing. "I understand if you hate me but I had my reasons for leaving you and your father."

Aldric clenched his fists but at the same time, he felt the strange urge to hug her.

"Please talk to me, Ricky," she whispered, reaching for his hand. He promptly took it away.

"My name is Aldric," he said. "Don't try using my stupid baby name on me. I'm not a kid anymore." He winced. The whole thing was giving him a throbbing headache.

'Indeed you aren't,' said Winori softly as she looked her son up and down. "How is Ches...? How is your father?'

"I don't know," said Aldric, turning away from her.

"Don't be like that," she replied, hurt.

"I'm not being like anything," he snapped back. "I really don't know."

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