The three of them said nothing as they headed home, not that it really was home, and Aldric was too tense to say anything. He feared that one word would cause the start of a long tiring rant. They got back to the house in no time at all. Cozmo and Selwyn needed to work so Aldric was left alone.

After spending the day worrying and exploring and worrying some more, he lay back on one of the beds and stared up at the ceiling. He didn't know what to believe anymore. Who was telling the truth? He'd been unable to think of anything else all day. Lady Neret didn't approve of Raiden but being in a position of authority, perhaps she knew more than he did. What reason did Raiden have for lying? Aldric scratched his head and watched in awe as strange shapes moved silently behind the thinning ice.

The night loomed in around him and the peace disturbed by two rowdy men, back late from their duties at the tavern. Aldric scrambled to his feet to greet the pair. He was a little surprised to see that Tamas was with them, supporting Cozmo whilst Selwyn clumsily supported an empty ice-glass.

'Good evening Aldric,' said Tamas. His oak-like hair was drenched and matted onto his forehead. 'Snow storm's getting pretty bad. Where are your friends?'

Aldric dived out of the way as Cozmo and Selwyn tumbled into bed.

'Fixing the ship,' he replied.

'What? Out there?'

'Yeah,' Aldric's face dropped.

'And I don't have a clue what's wrong with those two,' said Tamas. 'Nearly drank me out of house. Now, let's go see if the others are alright. We can give them some hot meals at least. You coming?"

'Sure,' he mumbled. 'Bye you two, thanks for letting us stay.'

Cozmo flapped his hand at Aldric as he quietly left. Keeping a cautious distance, Aldric followed Tamas round the back of his tavern where there was a tiny pod-shaped ship. Tamas brought with him a small bundle of hot meals. Aldric crouched in the back with the meals on his lap. He had not been that warm in days. Tamas climbed in the front and Aldric had no chance to brace himself before they shot into the sky. He had never taken off in a ship so quickly before and he was worried he might be sick over the food. He was glad they were protected by a tightly bundled box. Grease seeped through the card and made thick dark patterns. Aldric nearly fell asleep staring at them, at least he would not feel ill if he were to succumb to the sleep. Nevertheless, like with all non-interstellar flights, the trip took hardly any time at all and they dropped with a thud next to a familiar ship. Its lights were lit and three shivering shadows worked on it eagerly.

'Hey,' called Evie when she saw the tiny ship blink its lights at them.

'Must be Aldric,' said K. 'And look, he's with Tamas.'

'They have food,' cried Raiden triumphantly as Aldric and Tamas approached with the labelled boxes. A freezing wind blew. Aldric kept his head low to stop his eyes from becoming frozen in their sockets. They piled into the ship and Raiden slammed the door down before the snow could chase after them.

'What brings you out here?' K asked. Aldric went to stand by her as if he were her guardian angel.

'I thought you might need some food, and some more company. Aldric's coming with you I assume.'

'Obviously,' said K. 'Did everything go well at the conferences?'

Aldric looked over to Raiden. 'No, we couldn't get any information on anything. Lady Neret said she couldn't tell us,' he put on a fake posh accent. 'She is not obliged!' He stared at Raiden to see how he would react.

Crystal GuardianTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang