“Ah...yes, Guardian Arndyr.” Morwyn said weakly. “Please, follow me. The Welcoming is set to begin soon.”

        Nenna wrapped a long silver ribbon around the top of Callie's braid, knotting it at the back and then deftly crisscrossing the ribbon as she wound it around the thick midnight hair. When she reached the end of the braid, she took a short, slender stick of ivory that was rounded off at one end and had an eye similar to that of a needle at the other end. She threaded the excess length of ribbon through the eye and expertly drew it up through the core of the braid, effectively hiding the extra ribbon.

        “Are you ready, Calais Erbryn?” Nenna said softly, with a hint of teasing in her voice. Callie stood and looked at herself in the mirror. Her simple cream-colored dress was embroidered with elegant, yet simple vines along the hem of the floor-length skirt portion. The soft fabric was gathered over her left shoulder, where a silver clasp in the shape of the crescent moon rested.

        “I don't know. Yes...but no.” Callie whispered. Nenna smiled.

        “Don't worry about your hesitancy, sister, I too felt the same way.” Callie relaxed at her friend's reassurance.

        “Thank you, Nenna...and thank you, Eorla, for being with me today.” Callie looked to both women gratefully.

        “I guess it's time...” Nenna said. Callie gulped.

        Morwyn led Arndyr out of the courtyard, through the archways that led straight out into the lands surrounding Erbryn Manor. In the center of a meadow stood a simple, circular building with what looked to be an incomplete dome as a roof. It was larger around than the walls of the structure, and supporting the overhang around the circumference of the building were smoothly polished marble columns, with green vines twisting around them. Moss hung from the edges of the overhang, and meadowblooms grew along the foundations of the building.

        “This is the Temple of the Three,” Morwyn explained to Arndyr. The Guardian nodded, no flicker of recognition or acknowledgment crossing his features. Morwyn cast a frustrated glance to Edda, who frowned and shrugged.

        “Calais will be here shortly, so we had better get you inside and under the Threshold, Guardian.” Morwyn said weakly.

        “Look at him, Mother! Every Guardian is at least halfway curious about the Temple, and this one can't even be bothered to observe his surroundings! How is he supposed to guard Calais if he isn't even aware of what is going on?” The Maiden shrieked. The Mother sighed.

        “I know, Young One. But our Wise Mother has Her Wisdom, and I am sure She would not place Calais in such danger.”

        “Indeed I would not.” The Crone sniffed indignantly as she nearly floated into the room, coming to a stop at the font. “Arndyr is one of the best of the best. You think he does not see...he sees more than any. He will know of any threats to Calais, and he will stop them before they become more than a whisper.”

        “Pity any man who tries to court her, then...if Elder Adept parents and the status of being assigned a Guardian doesn't scare them off, that dour-faced Guardian will!” The Mother said with a laugh. The Maiden stilled, remembering back to an earlier conversation.

        “But that's what You want, isn't it, Old Mother? That is why I am not allowed to seek out her soul's Companion. Why You have chosen it already for her. You have plotted him for her, for some reason, haven't You? I hope You realize what You have done. You have doomed Calais' to never reach full Understanding. She will reach her end having known Life, Death, Birth, Joy, and Sorrow...but she will never know completion, because that...that...thing...will never be able to show her.” She said venomously. The Mother turned to the Crone.

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