Chapter One

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        Calais drummed her fingers on the table, a tendril of black hair caught around her fingers as gray eyes kept glancing out the window. She was bored, having tired of this lesson eons ago. The man across from her sighed, reached over, and shut the book that was in front of her. She jumped and looked at him, startled.

        “Forgive me, Learned One. I am afraid my mind is elsewhere.” The man leaned back and smirked, though there was no malice in it. He ran a hand through his red hair flecked very slightly with gray and shook his head.

        “There is no need, Calais. I understand that your mind is not as focused on your lessons as it normally is. Today is your 18th birthday, is it not?” Calais nodded. Tonight she would be recognized as a fully grown Adept and be welcomed into the fold. She was looking forward to that. The other part of her Welcoming? Not so much. Her tutor remained silent, as a Welcoming was usually eagerly anticipated by the Young Ones, and Calais was never distracted unless something was bothering her. He watched her brow furrow slightly, and instinctively, he knew what was dragging his pupil towards inattentiveness.

        “The Assigning is not bad, Calais.” She looked up. Her parents were members of The Circle, the group of thirteen Elder Adepts that oversaw their kind. They were not rulers, but more of a council, meant to mediate disputes, punish lawbreakers, and offer advice when sought. Each Elder Adept passed their seat on to their progeny when they departed for the Realm of the Three, and at that time, their eldest child took the seat left vacant by the Departed. The world was not totally at peace, and as such, Elder Adepts were given a Guardian by the Three, and on their children's 18th birthday, those children were recognized as grown Adepts, and they too were given a Guardian.

        The Guardian's sole purpose was to follow their one command, given them by the Crone before departing for the Realm of Man. Their one command, to be enforced until their Adept had reached the end of their life, was simple: Guard the Adept through to their appointed Ending, no matter what. Calais looked at the man across from her. All her life, he had been her tutor, instructing her in the communion with Nature that allowed all Adepts access to tangible magic.

        “I know. But I am still very...nervous. Maybe even frightened, Instructor Morwyn. Sometimes, I don't feel as though I am ready to become a full Adept. Part of me wants to stay a Young One for a time yet.” Her voice lilted and faltered, tripping over itself. Morwyn bit his lip to keep from chuckling. But Calais still caught the fleeting, mirthful uptick of his mouth. She frowned, and he shook his head.

        “Calais, all of us Elders were once Young Ones on the verge of being Welcomed and becoming an Assigned. We all remember that trepidation, and all of us wished for a little more time at the Young Ones' Table. It is normal. The Assigning is not bad, and you will be protected well by your Guardian, as I am protected by mine.” At his mention of his Guardian, Calais' gaze shifted to a shadowy corner of the study where Morwyn's Guardian, Edda, stood. Edda's shimmering green eyes met Calais' worried gray ones and she smiled slightly at the girl. Calais felt herself relax, and Edda's melodic, soothing voice rang softly.

        “Do not be afraid, Young One. There is nothing to fear, I promise you. The Three will ensure you are guarded well.” Calais smiled at Edda. Along with Morwyn, the Guardian had been a constant presence in her life ever since she could remember.

        “Thank you, Guardian Edda.” Calais said gratefully.

        “Callie!” Calais snapped her head towards the door, where her kindred sister had skidded to a stop. Calais snorted in amusement.

        “Very mature, Nenna.” She snickered. Nenna flicked her blonde hair behind her shoulder and grinned. “Are you excited? Tonight's the night!” She sang out. Calais laughed at the older girl. Nenna had grown up beside her, fostered by Calais' parents after the death of her father, Elder Adept Hrongar. Nenna's mother had died in childbirth, and so Nenna grew up with Calais. Calais grew concerned as she remembered something.

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