chapter six

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Y/n pov

I stood there all speechless and heartbroken. Thinking how they kissed In front of me .

I was a crying mess by now .i wanted to drink so that it can drain my pain away, then I remembered that I have office the next day and i will really not be in the state to go office after having a hangover.

So I called mr. Kim

Mr. Kim- hello
Y/n- sir c-can I please take a leave f-for one day *I tried to speak normally but my voice was cracking*
Mr. Kim- after hearing you it seems like you are crying ,y/n are you ok?

*I cleared my throat immediately *

Y/n- yes sir I am absolutely fine but sir I really need one day leave. you can but you need to complete the extra work-

Y/n-thank you sir

I ended the call immediately remembering what happened in the park .

Tae pov

I suddenly got a call from y/n I immediately picked up but I heard her sobbing from the other side .

She tried to speak normally even though her voice was cracking then she asked me for a leave.

I dont know why but I was really worried about her that's why I gave her a day leave but I told her to do the extra work for tomorrow at home but before I could say anything she already cut the call.

Y/n pov

As I ended the call I immediately went to a nearby bar and without anymore thinking just started drinking the strongest beer .

Authors pov

A man approached her.

Unknown- wanna get laid tonight.
Y/n- *I am surely drunk but not that cheap to just go and have sex with anybody i see*
Fuck off!
Unknown- feisty huh? I like it .

Then the man carried her in bridal style taking her to a VIP room .

He then started undressing himself.

Y/n pov

The alchohol started acting and everything was blur but I managed to take my phone and just call anyone's number then I pressed the call button .

But the creepy man snatched my phone and threw it on the other side of the bed and gripped my hand harshly.

Then he started sucking on my neck .I cant do anything because of the alchohol I am feeling disgusted. I shouldn't have drink that I should think properly before doing something so stupid .

I was crying the man just kept on harassing me and undid my clothes slowly.
He the bend me over real fast and was going to enter me  but then I heard the door opening and the last thing i heard before passing out was someone shouting my name then picking me in bridal style.

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