chapter five

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Authors pov

They head to a very expensive restaurant which was one of taehyung's hotel.

They both went inside and sat down on seat in the corner which was near window.

Tae-"order whatever you want"Y/n-"its ok sir you eat its really expensive here"Tae-"i wasn't asking you I was commanding you"Y/n-"um

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Tae-"order whatever you want"
Y/n-"its ok sir you eat its really expensive here"
Tae-"i wasn't asking you I was commanding you"
Y/n-"um.. ok sir"
Tae-"just call me taehyung when were not in office. "
Y/n-"ok sir.... oh sorry I mean taehyung "

They both silently ate their dinner taehyung dropped her in her house.

Tae pov

I reached her house .it was really small for four people.(y/n's mother,sister and father)and her house was located on the countryside. She must be really poor that's why she's working without any objection otherwise in two days only my assistants would beg to leave .

After dropping her I went back to my house(mansion duh \"_"/).

Authors pov

Two months passed.
As usual taehyung would scold y/n for every small mistake but a little less than before.and also caring off work.he also gave her a huge amount of money as her salary so that she can buy a new house and live comfortably.

From that money y/n bought a new house near the company so she could easily reach company in a short time and also to be a less burden on her family.

Y/n had a crush on one of her friend whose name was Bam Bam.he works In taehyung's rival company.

As for taehyung it was usual just he gave y/n more work so that they both have some time alone and also whenever and wherever there were skinships they both would blush.

Present day

Today was a holiday as it was Sunday.      Y/n thought of confessing her feelings to bam bam.

She told him to meet her at the park near his house at 5:00 PM.

Y/n pov

I went to the park and saw bam bam waiting in the park for me.

Y/n-"hey bamie."

Bam bam -"hey y/nie wassup?"Y/n-"nothing much"Bam bam-"hmmm"

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Bam bam -"hey y/nie wassup?"
Y/n-"nothing much"
Bam bam-"hmmm"

*after few minutes of chatting *

Y/n-"Bamie uh....actually........I wanted to tell you this for so long .....

I like you.

Bam Bam-"what?!
Y/n I only thought of u as a friend or maybe sis that's it. I don't have feelings for you. I already have a girlfriend. She's also here with me today coming in any minute. And again sorry I can't return ur feelings.

Then a girl came from behind him and she kissed him and they started making out.

I stood there speechless.
Y/n-"i n-need to g-go!bye.

Bam bam -"okay bye cya".


Hope u guys enjoy
Purple you 💜🤗🥰

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